Friday, May 18, 2018

May Madness

D: *rrrrrrip*   Whoop, there it is!

J: The air coming out of my nose is minty!

C's is the red-orange flower in the top row

J: D is being so rude! But Mom, I love you more!
J was upset about not getting to walk the dogs to school.

While gaming ~
C: I have max wood!

Me: Name your favorite springtime sport.
D: Elevated Sportz!

J: Hi, this is me, Jensen. When I am tired, I am grouchy.
(All videos from school start with "Hi, this is me, Jensen," in case we've forgotten. Screen shot of his video on The Grouchy Ladybug)

Me: Wow, J, it sounds like you need coffee. 

J: I'm not really a shorts person. 
... he says while wearing high waters of at least 6".

(4/30)  C has been hacking up a lung for a week now.  I pulled him out of class to go to the doctor, and then had to take him back because he has too many absences.  I get it, but loathe sending my child, who is obviously ill, to school.  Dad is also not feeling well.  This crud can just go.

(5/1) Work day for me, and Dad stayed home sick today.  The mere mention of margaritas at the staff meeting at my work today caused an entire party to break out.  Since we're all in the office on Tuesdays, we decided to have our Cinco de Mayo party early.

(5/2) Day off for me.  I worked in the boys' classrooms, and then we decided to take the dogs to the beach after dinner.  The tide was way in, so our favorite sandy spot wasn't available, but the kids had fun with an old board that they found, and tried their hardest to use it to surf.

(5/3) Work day for me, and day off for Dad.  Oma & Opa came to dinner tonight, and we had J's favorite: meatloaf.  After Oma & Opa left, I took the twins down to the little park. Someone has left a grocery cart and small basket, and the twins have had the best time setting up shop.

(5/4) Work day for me, and Dad had the boys today.  Nanan and I took the twins to dinner, and then to see a production of The Lamp Is the Moon tonight.  D was completely captivated.  It was a one-woman performance, and he has talked a lot about it.

(5/5) I caught a nice walk with Sarah to the gym for Zumba this morning.  I discovered while hauling rock the other day that our wheelbarrow had a flat tire (right after I had loaded it too).  I saw one on sale on my walk, and texted a picture to Dad.  He went out and picked it up, as well as enough dirt to finish the beds.  We planted the garden today after we got done distributing the dirt.  We then cleaned up, and met the grands briefly between engagements for gin tasting. I caught them up on everything that's been happening, and promised I'd fill them in about tomorrow. We parted ways, and then Dad and I stopped by home to pick up Cass so we could go to Middleton for a late afternoon drink.  He found a ball, and was happeh!  Dad made some excellent surf & turf tacos for dinner.  It was Cinco de Mayo, after all!

(5/6) I've been super excited about today!  Sarah and I went on a long walk and got coffee before I went to more coffee with my sisters.  I found my biological family a few years back, but had a new sister (that nobody knew about) turn up on Ancestry, and we finally got to meet. We're all local, and it's been really fun seeing how we're all so similar, even having grown up in different families.  After our marathon coffee date, I hit Home Depot and bought more rock so I could work more on our back yard.  I'll post a picture when it's all done. 

(5/7) Work from home day for me.  My work has collected gifts for the moms in shelters this Mother's Day, and I drove down what we gathered to the Seattle YWCA.  It was so cool walking into the room where all the gifts were stored ~ what a happy task!

(5/8) Work day for Dad & me today. My office does lunch with random coworkers, so I got to enjoy some delicious Thai food in Kirkland this afternoon.  Once I got home, we went to the Silvertips playoff game.  We were up way past the twins' bedtime, and when the teams headed into overtime, we bailed.  The Tips lost (womp, womp), but it was fun going to one last game.

(5/9) Happy Wednesday!  The boys and I walked the dogs to school, and then I came back for my usual volunteering shift in the boys' classes.  C had an appointment after school, and we met Dad after that for dinner at home.

(5/10) Ugh.  I love having the "Can you behave for 5 minutes? And we don't throw our crayons at school!" conversations while at work. At least it makes my coworkers laugh.  Thankfully, D was able to turn his day around after that. Dad took the boys for haircuts this afternoon.  They are all so cute!

(5/11) The boys' school did Muffins with Mom this morning.  Super cute. The twins picked out flowers for me, and D gave one to his teacher.  He adores her, even when he's being a pill.

(5/12) This morning we took the boys on the ferry to spend the weekend with the grands.  The tall ships were in port, so they planned to do that, and to make homemade poptarts (D's choice).  Dad and I hopped right back on the ferry, and then came home to have the day to ourselves.  We went to lunch, and then out wine and cider tasting.  Our last stop had a bunch of adorable dogs, so we stayed and enjoyed the company (and a/c) for quite a while.  We ended our fun day at the Japanese Steakhouse, where we joined a fun group of friends out celebrating a birthday.  It really was a lovely day all around!

(5/13) Happy Mother's Day!  I took Nanan to breakfast, and then back out to Woodinville to do some more wine tasting (I had a Groupon).  We visited one of my favorites, and then two other places I hadn't been to before.  Mom & I had a great time.  The children and the other grands appeared shortly after we got back.  Dad and I went to see Love Never Dies at the Paramount tonight.  I looooved it and immediately bought the soundtrack.

(5/14) Work from home day for me.  There were multiple calls home today from the school again, but D managed to make it all day.  It was really hot this afternoon, and I had the whole house opened up with fans going while the kiddos played on the computer, and Mr. D worked on homework.

(5/15) I didn't even make it to work before getting a call from the school today.  After two more calls, D had to be picked up.  He's been on a tear lately.  I had book club after work tonight, so unfortunately Dad had to deal with the misbehaving Deedle. Book club was lovely - we sat outside and enjoyed the tots, which nearly everyone ordered.

(5/16) Today was all kinds of frustrating.  Due to recent morning antics, I walked the boys to school today without the dogs so I could supervise morning drop-off.  I then came back to school to do my normal volunteering in the twins' classes.  D wrote a whopping three letters in an hour, before we went out to sit in the hallway, where he decided to run away from me.  We left school before lunch and went home, where D did his assignment.  Stinker.  He then was my tag-a-long for the day.

(5/17) This morning I took D to a medical appointment wherein his doctor made me laugh, and sent us on our way.  D had a good day at school so huzzah for that!  Dad made us strawberry shortcake this evening, and of course there was whipped cream.

(5/18) Work day for me, school for the boys, and day off for Dad. D had a great day at school.  Hope this is the start of a new trend.

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