Friday, March 15, 2019

March Madness

(2/26) Busy, meeting filled day at work for me, school for the boys, and work for Dad. I pretty much came home and turned my brain off. Tuesdays are exhausting.

(2/27) Day off for me, and work for Dad. The twins had a field trip to the Storybook Theater, and we were treated to a production of The Little Engine That Could. I really enjoyed it.  There was enough adult humor in it, along with the messages of how to say "thank you, but no thank you," to situations that aren't safe (specifically rides from distracted drivers), along with the traditional "I think I can! I think I can!" Really cute!  I rode with D's class this morning, and helped with math in J's class this afternoon.  D had an appointment after school, and really had a great day today, so we broke early and ended on a high note.

(2/28) How is it the end of February already?  Today was a work day for me, day off for Dad, and the boys had school. J and C had dental appointments, to which Dad took them, and then he ended up bringing them home, leaving D as the only one to be picked up from school. I traveled for a presentation for work this afternoon, and got home a little earlier than normal. I sat down to read my book and zonked right out. Apparently I needed some more Zs!

(3/1) Work day for me, school for the boys, and day off for Dad. It was a beautiful day today, and it was so pleasant to walk in the sunshine. Dad, C and his friend went to a hockey game tonight.  It was the friend's first time, and he had a blast.  We'll definitely have to invite him again!

(3/2) Sarah and I went to Zumba this morning, and Dad made the kiddos Dutch babies.  Dad and I spent the afternoon out playing. We started at a distillery, then hit a brewery,  and then we made our way to Woodinville for some wine tasting. We concluded the evening at Middleton with the boys and had pizza and nachos. So good!

(3/3) Day off for the kids and me.  We lounged around until lunchtime, then went out to see the Lego Movie 2.  It was really fun!  The kids video-gamed the afternoon away and I got in some book reading time once we got back. We had a quiet evening in, and are more or less ready to tackle the upcoming week.

(3/4) Work for Dad and me, and school for the boys. Work kept me hopping all day, and Mondays are usually the quietest. D had a rough go today. He hasn't had a day like that in a long time.  It came as sort of a surprise after a long string of easy and good days. Hopefully he can right the ship tomorrow.

"I love you infinity"
(3/5) Work day for Dad and me, and school for the boys.  Meeting Tuesday was a bear.  Lots of technical difficulties, and we had to present to a group that didn't want to listen and learn about our new product. My boss treated us to drinks afterward, it was that rough.

(3/6) Day off for me, work for Dad, and school for the boys.  I usually hang out in D's class in the morning, but he had a guest teacher, and really didn't want me to stay, so I went home. I got to enjoy a quiet house for a bit, and then went to meet Nanan for lunch. We chatted up until it was time to head back to the school to work in J's class.  Both D and C had appointments after school, and we reconvened afterward at the house for homework and YouTube time: the all-important Wednesday night rituals.

(3/7) Work day for me, and school for the boys. D had a doctor's appointment this morning to deal with those nose bleeds once and for all.  Dad treated him to lunch afterward before taking him back to school. Poor bubs. I hope that's the end of that! We had a quiet evening in, and watched some favorite TV shows.

(3/8) Brilliant me took my computer home last night in case it snowed, and then forgot it when grabbing my stuff right next to it and heading out to work this morning. I realized I didn't have it when I was about halfway to work and stuck in accident traffic. Ermahgerd! I was in the office about an hour later after slogging my way back home to get it. The rest of the day was much better, and I was grateful for a quietish Friday to catch up on some work. I left a little early today so Nanan and I could take the twins to a play at the Seattle Children's Theatre. We saw The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane.  Since it was their last play of the season, we treated the twins to Blizzards afterward.

(3/9) It was beautiful out today! Dad made the fam breakfast, and then I headed off to Zumba by my lonesome, since Sarah was busy today. Dad worked on the soobie with Rob, and the boys screen timed the day away.

(3/10) Daylight Savings. Dad wakes up at 4am for work on Sundays, so today was especially rough. I'll be feeling it tomorrow when out on my pre-dawn trek to coffee.  The boys and I had fun today.  I took the twins to Jamie's party at Chuck E Cheese this morning.  It's nice going on a Sunday ~ no crowds!  The kids played themselves out. We went to the park this afternoon and are really enjoying the springlike weather!


(3/11) Back to the grind.  It was tough to wake up an hour earlier today. I may have asked for a bucket of coffee at Starbucks this morning. D told me at least five times that he was really tired, and that it felt like 6am.  I know, little buddy, I know. It was a work day for Dad and me, and the boys had school. We had a meeting this afternoon about D's progress in school, which has been substantial these last few weeks. We're just thrilled they've finally landed on something that is working so well!

(3/12) Meeting Tuesday, was as usual full of meetings. C wasn't feeling well, so ended up staying home today. We're all snarfy right now. Yay, winter germs.

(3/13) Today was lots of fun!  I volunteered in the kiddos' classes, and the Pacific Science Center brought in a bunch of exhibits to share with the school. There was an assembly, exhibits that took over the library, and they also visited each class in turn.  D would've stayed and constructed circuits all day if he could.

(3/14) Pi(e) Day!  I worked from home this morning because I had to travel for work this afternoon.  We presented to a tough crowd, so that wasn't the most pleasant, however I did enjoy the long drive down and back listening to my book. Dad stood in line this morning and got us a fancy pie from the Snohomish Pie Co for this evening.  The boys were thrilled!

(3/15) Work day for me, day off for Dad, and the boys had school. My alarm didn't go off this morning, but luckily I didn't miss our morning walk to coffee!  It's gorgeous out today to boot. I'm excited for this weekend ~ S is coming down for a hockey game and we have Comiccon on Sunday!

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