Friday, April 5, 2019

Spring Flowers

(3/16) I went to Zumba this morning ~ first morning I was able to walk there in a t-shirt!  C'mon spring! Dad and I grabbed the pupper afterward and went to Woodinville to continue working our way through our wine passports. They didn't mark them since we purchased though, so now we have to go back. Oh darn? We went to the home closer of the Silvertips tonight, and had fun watching the corgis race. C had a friend with him, and they gabbed the entire time.

(3/17) Happy St. Paddy's!  The leprechauns left some treats for the boys this morning. I went up and grabbed the teenager, and then we went all the way back down to Seattle for Comic-Con.  We had a lot of fun as usual, but what was not so fun was feeling a little queasy after having lunch there.  We wandered some more, and then decided to head home.  S chatted with an artist at the con whose style she really liked, and got a book which was the inspiration for an upcoming HBO series.  Dad got up super early this morning to get a Paddy's Day dinner in the crock pot before he left, and we had a delicious shepherd's pie together before I had to take S home.

(3/18) Work from home day for me, work at work for Dad, and school for the boys. Today was gorgeous! The boys and I took the doggos to the beach this evening. I told the kids no swimming yet, but there were a couple of kids out swimming in the Sound while we were there.  BRRRR! It was only around 65° for a high today. The doggos, of course, had a blast and came home sandy and exhausted.

(3/19) Meeting Tuesday went smoothly today. We had to present in Bellevue, and I was done with that, and home right in time for another meeting! At least that one was online. This last day of winter clocked in at 83° according to my dashboard on the way home. There are still big piles of snow in places too. The boys played down at the park tonight, and then came home for screens and homework.

(3/20) Happy spring! It was another gorgeous day. I worked in the kiddos' classrooms today.  D had a great day, and said yesterday was "pretty much the best day of his life!" because he got a perfect score on his points checklist. It'll be hard to beat that.

(3/21) Work day for me, day off for Dad, and school for the kiddos.  Dad had fun at Home Depot planning our spring planting. The boys had a great day from the sounds of things. I had a bunch of meetings, which included a trip to the Smith Tower for a reception.  I've never been, and it was quite the experience!  We scored a sunny day, and could see for miles.

(3/22) Work day for me, day off for Dad, regular day for C, and early release for the twins. Got all that? My boss took my office to lunch as a treat. It was fun to sit and chat with everyone, and have our Friday happy hour a little earlier. We've had very bad car karma lately. I got in an accident on my way home last Friday, and today a neighbor forgot to set their parking brake, and their car rolled into one of ours. Uggghh!

(3/23) I headed to Zumba while Dad got started cleaning the garage. Do we know how to party or what?! When I got home, I finished getting together our donation pile, and now we can actually pull our tent camper out when it's time. Dad ran our donations in, and I got to work on clearing our flower beds out front. I planted some seeds and cleared all the dead leaves. It's shaping up nicely! I had to run J in to the doctor's this evening. He went from "Mom, my eye hurts" to a rip-roaring case of pink eye just a few hours later. Fun times. He should hopefully be good in 24hrs.

(3/24) The boys and I bummed around home today, and kept our germs to ourselves.  The kids video gamed a lot, and I used the quiet time to read.  Sarah and I got out for some time in the sunshine, which was lovely.  Dad ended up working a 12-hour shift, covering for someone.  It'll shake out later this week, when he needs to leave early... but ugh. Loooong day.

(3/25) Work from home day for me, brief school for the twins, regular school for C, and work for Dad today.  The twins had their conferences this afternoon.  J's teacher raved about how much progress he has made this year, and will be recognizing him in an upcoming Life Long Learners assembly. 💓 D is making steady progress at his own pace. He absorbs information like a sponge, so while he may learn differently, he's still on track, and making gains. So huzzah for that!

(3/26) Work day for Dad and me and school for the boys. The twins have early release all week, and Dad picked them up and took them to the book fair.  They have been really wanting the next in the series of Super Rabbit Boy, and they picked up that plus a few other treasures. I had a training in Seattle, which went well, and was even able to sneak in a coffee with my coworker afterward.

(3/27) Day off for me, work for Dad, and school for the boys. Because the twins had an early release today, I took the morning off volunteering in their classes, and got lots of stuff done.  I returned the rental car, and picked up our car, which was damaged in an accident two weeks ago.  J was particularly thrilled.  It was the Day of Giving at Jersey Mike's, so we picked up subs for dinner on the way home from D's appointment tonight. Yum!

(3/28) Dad had the day off today, the boys had school, and I worked.  I got to head out a little early after a presentation in Seattle, which put me home a little earlier than normal.  That rarely happens!  The boys played screens, and then some more at the park, and we had a quiet evening in.

(3/29) Work day for me, and day off for Dad. Dad and Rob went junkyarding, and he found a truck that came home with him. Boys and cars. SMH.

(3/30) I went walking with Sarah this morning and after we got back, the fam split into two groups and headed to museums. Dad and C went with Rob and some friends down to the LeMay Museum, and the twins and I hit the children's museum, followed by a picnic at the park. We went for a sushi dinner once we'd all returned. Dad and C went to a playoff hockey game tonight where the Tips won 9-1! On to round two!

(3/31) The boys and I had a lazy Sunday. They played lots of screens, and I lounged around and read my book.  Nanan came over this afternoon and stayed for dinner.  It was nice to see her and to visit!

(4/1) The kiddos are off on Spring Break this week. I am super busy with work right now, so we decided on a staycation. I worked from home today, and was pretty much glued to my computer.  The boys had a fun day playing lots of screens. They were totally thrilled to go play at the park this afternoon.  Can't you tell?

(4/2) Busy day at work for me. The boys had a great time at home playing screens today, and never want break to end. C went to a friend's house this evening. It'll be strange not having him for a few days.

(4/3) Day "off" for me and the boys today. I still ended up doing a bunch of work stuff, but managed to sleep late first. D sent me a text that said, "I want food," so I eventually got up and obliged. But I so needed that sleep! Sarah and I caught a walk this afternoon, and the boys and I went to the park this evening after D's appointment.

(4/4) Work day for me, and day off for Dad and the boys. Dad went junkyarding again, and it sounds like the boys had a good time at home. We played Uno Spin tonight, which is a fun twist on an old favorite.

(4/5) Work day for me, and the boys had the day off.  We had another fun game night tonight. Despite the smiles below, our games get intense!  

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