Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Just Beachy

(4/26) Today was a work day for me, and the boys had school. Dad had planned his day off to work on cars with Rob, but got called away to deal with a school issue. We had a pretty quiet night in. D picked Dungeon to play as a family this evening.

(4/27) Yay, Saturday! My favorite! Dad made us all breakfast, and I went to Zumba. Afterward, Dad and I went to Snohomish on the Rocks (distillery festival), and then went to Woodinville to pick up our wine. It was a lovely day!

(4/28) Lazy Sunday for the boys and me. I mowed down our field of dandelions (aka the lawn), and can now see Noodle when he goes out.  Nanan came over this afternoon to have dinner and play Uno Spin with the boys. After she went home, it was time for homework and getting ready for the week ahead.  And of course GoT for us!

(4/29) Work day for Dad & me, and school for the kiddos.  Dad has been teaching D and C to play chess, and they played a few games after dinner. J was miffed that we wouldn't start up a game of Monopoly 10 minutes before bedtime.  Gee, wonder why!

(4/30) How is it the end of April already? Wow, the month just raced right on by. Meeting Tuesday was busy at work, but thankfully things have started to slow and stabilize so I can actually leave the building during the day! It was gorgeous tonight, so we took the boys and dogs out to the beach to romp. The twins ended up swimming in their clothes, and were little popsicles when we returned to the car.

(5/1) Day off for me, and I worked in the boys' classes. I put together art projects in D's class, went home for lunch and was watching TV when Dad appeared. He is working some super long shifts next week, so took off early today. We gaped at the news for a while before I headed back to the school for round two of volunteering.

(5/2) Work day for me, and school for the boys. I had a meeting in Seattle today, that put us right by the Pike Place Market. Nikki gave me the grand tour.  I haven't been to the market in years, so it was really fun!  Dad took the boys out shoe shopping last night. They're growing like weeds again!

(5/3) Work day for me and school for the boys today. Dad called on the way home saying he'd picked up some root beer, and that the boys were begging for root beer floats. I stopped off at the store and grabbed the ice cream.

(5/4) Today was so fun! I kicked the day off with Zumba and a lovely walk in the sunshine. This afternoon Dad and I took Noodle to Skookum for a fundraiser for Save-A-Mutt. We had some delicious grub and beer, and we're joined by Rob and his pupper, Penny. Dad and I then hit Bad Dog since it's right around the corner. We stopped at a pick n pull lot on the way home. I sat in the sun and read my book while the guys were off looking for parts. Once we finally got home, it was dinnertime, and Dad treated us to a sushi dinner. Yum!

(5/5) Lazy Sunday for the boys and me. I sat out in the sun and enjoyed my book. Dad cooked us up street tacos for Cinco de Mayo, and we mixed up virgin margaritas for the boys.

(5/6) Dad worked a thirteen hour shift today. Oy!  I worked a normal shift, and the boys had school. It was a beautiful day today, and the twins broke out the shorts, while the big one wore pants and his coat. Goofus!  D and C played chess against each other this evening, and it was filled with much heckling. J opted for the park. Don't blame him!

(5/7) Even D is calling Tuesdays Meeting Tuesdays now, LOL! We had a belated Cinco de Mayo celebration, where my whole team and I were praised for how well the launch of our program went! ❤ Everyone has worked so hard!

(5/8) Day off for me today. I worked in the kiddos' classes, and we made Mother's Day presents in D's class. It's so fun to work with all the kids! In J's class they're working on fractions, which are hard. After dinner we went to the lake to play a bit before homework time, and the boys had a ball!

(5/9) Work day for me, school for the boys, and Dad had the day off.  He braved IKEA for a new dresser for the twins. Theirs had pretty much given up the ghost. The twins and I cleaned their room while Dad went out for Slurpees. We got all done, and got their room put back together. I used a broom at one point to get all the toys out from under their beds, and J decided that was the job he just had to have!  He even wanted to sweep in favor of YouTubing!  Crazy child, be my guest!

(5/10) I went to Morning with Mom with the twins and had donuts before heading off to work. The boys are back on their normal early release Fridays now that the snow days have been made up. Dad took the twins out to use up their pizza coupons (earned from turning in their homework), and out for haircuts. They were done with all that and home before I got home from work. We had a relaxing evening in after that.

(5/11) Sarah and I planned to go to Zumba, but it was such a nice day that we opted to walk the lake instead. Dad took C and a friend to see Endgame, and the twins and I stayed home. I puttered in the yard, and stopped by the nursery to peruse the plants. Nanan came over this evening and went out to dinner with us for Mother's Day. We went to the Kyoto Steakhouse and found our favorite waitress now works there. We've missed seeing her at our sushi restaurant. Dinner was delicious! We got home around the twins' bedtime, and put a movie on for ourselves before retiring for the night.

(5/12) Happy Mother's Day!  Since we celebrated yesterday, the boys and I had a lazy day, and I read my book and *gasp* took a nap. Heaven! Dad brought home strawberry shortcake fixings for dessert tonight, and we did all the normal Sunday night things to get ready for the week ahead.

(5/13) Work day for Dad & me, and school for the boys. We had some leftover whipped cream, so the boys pulled out Pie Face after dinner. It was hilarious as always!

(5/14) Work day for Dad and me, and school for the boys. Sounds like everyone had a good day!

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