Friday, October 11, 2019

Seasons Turn

(9/18) Day off for me. I worked in D's class for a little while this morning until his teacher ran out of things for me to do. After school the boys played video games. Dad made us burgers for National Cheeseburger Day (who knew this was a thing?). We finished up Ninja Warrior this evening and rooted for our favorites.

(9/19) Work day for me. C's curriculum night was this evening. He's going to love his robotics class. I really like his teacher (same one he also has for math). She showed us a video of the "battle bots" the kids get to make at the end of the year. The creativity of the students was fun to see, and C has already been thinking about how to design his. 

(9/20) Work day for me. I knocked off a little early so we could go to the Silvertips' home opener tonight. They ended up losing, but in looking at my memories I was reminded that they frequently lose their first game, and that it takes them a while to remember how to pass.

(9/21) Sarah and I chose a long walk over Zumba today. I weeded our front yard and got things ready for fall/winter. I planted tulips, crocuses, and daffodils and am hoping the squirrels don't go behind me and dig up everything. This afternoon we drove out to help Rob and Mel move to their new place. We worked almost until the twinsies' bedtime, and then headed back home. Rob and Mel still have a fair amount to move, but I feel like we helped make a small dent.

(9/22) Lazy day for the boys and me. We hung around the house for most of the day until Dad woke up. Dad and I went to go look at a car (well, I looked at my book rather than at cars, but whatevs), and then we checked out Elemental, a cider place that recently moved into the area. We tried a flight, and had the gent behind the counter pick a number between 1 and 3 to decide what we would bring home. We ended up with the strawberry rhubarb.

(9/23) I worked from home today while the boys were at school. The twins' school had an open house/scavenger hunt tonight, and since I visited without them, I was in and out in about a half hour and skipped out of the hunt. Dad had to work this evening, so he headed out pretty soon after I got home.

(9/24) Work day for me, and the boys had school. Tuesdays are typically full of meetings, and today was no exception.

(9/25) Today was a long day. I had planned to take my mom to the doctor, but due to the severity of a fall she had had, they wanted us to go to the ER for a barrage of tests instead. They kept her overnight, and didn't find anything (🙌), but at least we now know nothing major happened. I missed my normal volunteering in D's class which made for a very sad boy, and Dad had to take over Wednesday night appointments. I got in some time with my brother at the hospital though, and that was really nice.

(9/26) I was given today off from work. I headed back up to the hospital to sit with Mom. She was discharged this afternoon, and I worked up at her house for a few hours before heading on home, feeling okay about leaving her.

(9/27) Since Mom was home, I was okay with going in to work. The kiddos had school, and Dad had the day off.

(9/28) Sarah and I went to Zumba this morning and for coffee afterward. I spent the rest of the day mostly cozied up with a book.

(9/29) The boys and I had a lazy day today. I read a book and finished up my month in photos, and the boys video gamed all day. Dad took C out driving in our newest gambler. He'll be ready to drive before he's even eligible for a permit at this rate.

(9/30) I worked from home today, and the boys had school. It was a really beautiful day and it is starting to feel like fall. We've turned the heater on for the season and I may soon have to dig out my gloves for my early-morning walks.

(10/1) Work at work for me today. We had a surprise birthday party complete with lunch for one of my coworkers today. Really we do work...some of the time!

(10/2) I volunteered in D's class this morning and moved all the newly formed chrysalises to a butterfly habitat. The kids will get to witness the butterflies emerging in a week or so. This afternoon I ran Nanan to an appointment in Seattle. That took the bulk of my day, but we were able to do her shopping afterward so she should be set for the next few days at home. I got home after Dad had left for work and the twins were already asleep.

(10/3) Today was a work day for me. The twins had their fund run this afternoon, and D was amazed that his teacher out-ran him by 8 laps.  J ran 38 or 39 laps, and D ran 20. Their school changed organizers for the event, and all week they've had pep assemblies, and ambassadors in to rile them all up and get them excited. D particularly liked all the bracelets that spelled out GAME ON when all are collected. He also earned a special orange cuff (his favorite color) and has been quite decked out this week. Dad took all the boys to dinner tonight at a PTA fundraiser through Red Robin.

(10/4) TGIF! Today was a work day for me, and the kiddos had school. The twins had rough days and were at each other all night. I may have counted down the minutes to bedtime. 

(10/5) Fun day today ~ we headed up the Mountain Loop to check out the fall colors. We stopped by the Marblemount Fish Hatchery, Diablo Lake Overlook, and then ended our trip at the Marblemount Diner for some of the most delicious pie. It was a beautiful day!

(10/6) The boys and I had a stay-home kinda day. They played video games and I read my book until Dad got up for the day. We did our Sunday chores and capped off the day by making cookies. 

(10/7) I worked from home today, and the kiddos had school. It was a pretty quiet day, and I stayed up far too late reading my book. 

(10/8) Work day for me, and school for the kiddos. We had a 25th anniversary party for one of my coworker this afternoon, complete with Coors cake and a toast (her fave) and a BBQ spread. Delish!

(10/9) I had the day off and kicked it off by walking with Sarah and then working in D's classroom. From there I went up to Nanan's house and accompanied her to Zoe's last vet appointment. She was the very best girlie, and will be so missed. I worked up at Mom's house for a bit afterward and made it back in time for D's appointment. He had earned a free day to play games, and J also stayed to play with us. Back at home, Dad whipped up dinner and it was ready shortly after we got home.

(10/10) Today was a work day for me, and the boys had school. I hit Zumba after work, and was only home a short while before it was the twins' bedtime. Dad and I watched my "uplifting" shows this evening (which he mercilessly mocked as is the norm), and then I also hit the hay.

(10/11) Happy birthday twinsies! 8 years old today. They have school today, and Dad sent them with mini cupcakes so they can celebrate with their classmates. We'll be having a pool party tomorrow to continue the festivities with friends and family. 

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