Friday, November 1, 2019

All My Pumpkins

(10/12) We had the twins' birthday party today at the pool. We had the whole pool to ourselves since we were the only party. It was really fun! The grands all came, and we had a few friends out too. Nanan came over after the party and hung out with us and then joined us for dinner. I went to Pink the Rink tonight with Sarah, Rob, Mel and Marc. Tips won in the first overtime ~ it was a goalie dual with both sides fending off shots.

(10/13) Lazy bum day for the boys and me today. I put up our Halloween decorations, and the twins and I walked to the coffee stand, but that was the extent of our day.  J ordered a French vanilla, banana, Rocky Road Italian soda. It was super sweet, and kind of like drinking a banana split.

(10/14) I worked from home today, the boys had school, and Dad worked this evening. I got caught up in a book and ended up staying up way too late. I'll be paying for that tomorrow.

(10/15) Work and school for all of us today.  We had a pretty chill evening at home. I watched the debates, and the boys YouTubed. I think they got the better end of that!

(10/16) Day off for me, and school for the boys. I volunteered in D's classroom this morning and got to see the butterflies that have emerged from their chrysalises. D was very sad that the butterflies are going back to the lab tomorrow, and there never again would be something orange at the science table. (Oh the horror!) Dad had today off too, and went to the hockey game this evening. The game would've gone well past the twinsies' bedtime mid-school week, so I kept them home.

(10/17) Work day for me, and it was the boys' Friday since tomorrow is a teacher work day. C has neglected his homework in one class and very nearly lost all screen time for the long weekend, but he managed to find and do enough assignments that I think we can turn the trend. Otherwise, it was a pretty uneventful evening with all of us doing our own things.

(10/18) Work day for me. The boys had the day off because it was a teacher work day. They were up bright and squirrelly to play on their tablets. On normal school days, I have to start prodding them at 7am, and it takes roughly a half hour for the twins to emerge.

(10/19) I went to Zumba this morning by my lonesome since my partner in crime was away. After spending some QT with my coffee and book, we had Rob and Mel over to help install the microwave that celebrated its first anniversary in our garage last May. Ha! Dad took C and his friends to a Tips game tonight, and the twins and I made use of their Baskin & Robbins gift cards and went out for ice cream.

(10/20) Lazy bum day for the boys and me. It was gross outside, so we hung out inside and played video games and read books.

(10/21) I worked from home today. Today was pretty uneventful, which is just how I like my Mondays.

(10/22) Work and school for all of us today. Meeting Tuesday was relatively quiet for me. I only had one meeting on my schedule, and that was a quickie. The small dog race qualifiers were tonight to race on the ice at the Silvertips game. Noodley was eliminated sadly, but it was still fun!

(10/23) Today was my day off.  I worked in D's classroom this morning and helped the kids publish their stories. D really wanted to be involved, but had not yet written a story. We story-boarded an idea for one, and then his class left for lunch. He had finished his story and had it illustrated and bound by the end of the day.  He was so thrilled; it was adorable! I popped my head into J's classroom and his teacher she said she could use me to listen to kids read. I did that for an hour or so, and then went to lunch myself. D had counseling this evening, and I spent a quiet hour reading. Can't complain about taking him!

(10/24) I worked from home today so I could attend a doctor's appointment for my mom. We had such a good visit, I'm seriously considering changing to her NP for my primary care! Dad took the boys to pick out costumes tonight, and we're finally going to get around to carving pumpkins this weekend. We're totally on top of things around here.

(10/25) I kicked today off with a walk to coffee with Sarah, and then in headed to work. I usually get home late on Fridays due to traffic, and today was no exception. D had a wonderful day and they sent me a picture from school. He was so excited!

(10/26) Sarah and I went to Zumba this morning for the Party in Pink to support breast cancer. I ran out to get pumpkins for the kiddos to carve afterward. Snow and Seth joined us for pumpkin carving and dinner. We loaded them up with moving boxes, dishes, and towels. They're moving out together next month. Big steps!

(10/27) C was awake nearly all night with an upset stomach, and was not up to going to the zoo as we had planned. So we'll do that another day. The boys and I bummed around home and had a proper lazy day today instead.

(10/28) I worked from home today, and the kiddos had school. The teenager-in-training grumped at us all evening because we pulled the plug on his screen time. Sorry, dude. There's a direct correlation between turning in your homework and your grade coming up. Shrug.

(10/29) Today was a work day for Dad & me, and the kiddos had school. I stayed late today and carved pumpkins with the after-hours work group. It was so fun ~ we watched The Nightmare Before Christmas and The Great Mouse Detective. My office peeps are so creative!

(10/30) I had the day off today and worked in the twins' classrooms. I learned all about bats from D's class, and listened to kiddos read in J's. Nanan came over this afternoon and joined us for dinner. She and I attempted an aqua fitness class this evening, but 10 minutes in we had to get out because a kiddo had gotten sick. Eww. We spent the rest of class in the hot tub and will try again next week.

(10/31) Happy Halloween! I worked today and the kiddos had school. The twins dressed as Steve and Alex from Minecraft, and we had to hunt down a missing diamond sword before we met up with Sarah. Then D left it at a house and I had to backtrack for it. Mostly I ended up carting it all over. J and D got frustrated with their masks, and kept not even putting them on when they trick-or-treated. LOL!  D got tired, but I took J, Jor, and C around to the fancy lit up house and we did a haunted house across the street. J said it only gave him a little heart attack. 

(11/1) Today is pajama day at the office. I brought my robe, and spent a cozy day at work. The kiddos have an early release today and all next week for conference week. I can't believe it's November already.

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