Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Mid-Winter Blues

(2/2) Groundhog's day again. Señor Hog says six more weeks of winter. Merr. I worked in the building today and D headed back to school now that his quarantine period is over. He really would've liked to keep quarantining though!

(2/3) Dark thirty was decidedly too early so we opted out of our morning walk. I didn't get any extra sleep, but it was nice to rest a little. I worked from home and the boys had school. D has had a rough couple of days but did sit and laugh at The Big Bang Theory with us tonight. I never got to see the end, and have been watching the last couple of seasons. 

(2/4) Dad & C went up to Rob's to play with cars today. I went and grabbed some more mulch and may have grabbed some more color for the back yard while I was at it. Yeah, yeah, I know it's still winter, but I couldn't help myself! After I was done playing in the dirt, the Chihuahuas sandwiched me in on the couch and I made some progress on the next book club book, All We Buried.

(2/5) We all had a lazy Sunday morning. Dad took the day off and we went to a matinee hockey game. The Tips managed to pull off a win against a tougher team. After we got home, the boys hopped back on their machines and Dad and I watched our Sunday shows. 

(2/6) The boys scored a bonus day off (teacher workday) while Dad & I worked. I worked from home and got to sleep in a little before our dark-thirty walk. It's still going to be a while yet 'til we see any hints of daylight on our walks though. It was a pretty quiet day overall.

(2/7) I worked in the building today and Dad took over pizza night and school pick-up since I'm no longer available on Tuesday afternoons. I watched the State of the Union coverage while also halfheartedly prodding D along with his homework. His new thing is to not do work at school so it gets sent home. So fun.

(2/8) I had the day off and spent a quiet day reading and catching up on sleep. I took the kiddos to WinCo this afternoon and J, who has been on a salad kick lately, picked us out a seafood salad this evening. We fancy!

(2/9) I worked a half day in the building and came home to attend an assembly and watch J receive a "win the day" award for improving his math diagnostic by 58 points and doing so well in class lately. He's on a streak of 100% days and will hit 10 days tomorrow. We're so proud of him! 

(2/10) I worked from home today and promised J a Mountain Dew if he made it to 10 days and even bribed D with his favorite candy bar if he also had a good behavior day. They both knocked it out of the park and were ready to start their weekend when they got home.

(2/11) This morning we went to go meet a new dog that looked perfect for our family. We took Cass and they played ball out back. We decided to bring her home to meet the crew. The Chihuahua squad was quite verklempt, but we expected that. We took River and Toffee out to pick out some new toys and then to pick up our wine out in Woodinville. There was a Valentine's event going on where several of the wineries treated us like members, so we ended up visiting a couple new-to-us places. The girls were fawned over and we had several folks saying they would adopt River if we didn't. We're pretty smitten with her already. Pita took one look at all the new toys and gathered them all up on top of his blanket mountain. Watching him carry around the ones bigger than him was a riot. 

(2/12) This morning I took Pita up to meet with a potential family. It looks promising, so everyone cross your paws for our little Gollom! After his appointment, I drove up and met Nanan for lunch. We had a nice visit and delicious lunch! Once I got home, I read my book for a bit and then watched some "quality" TV with the pups. We notified the rescue that we were pulling the trigger and adopting River, now Riesling or Reese for short. 

(2/13) Monday again. We're all back at work and school. I worked from home today and when I went to pick up the boys, we got caught in a hailstorm that had us running for the car. D & I watched The Puppy Bowl that I had recorded yesterday while I was out. Reese was dancing around and getting all excited about the other dogs on the screen. She's quite the ham! 

(2/14) Happy Valentine's Day! I worked in the building today and brought in treats for our staff meeting and big anniversary party. I finally had my annual review and got to finish it with an office happy hour. The kiddos came home sugared up and we continued the healthy trend with pizza for dinner.

(2/15) I had the day off today and got to sleep in a little, at least until it was time to get C up and off to the bus. I had an exciting day filled with a dentist appointment and then I came home to be on-site while the sidewalk renovations were happening in the neighborhood. Woohoo.

(2/16) Sarah and I made it out for a walk this morning -- the first one this week, and then I headed out to work in the building. Dad had the day off and the boys had school today. We officially adopted Reese and she got to go to the boys' school for pick-up time. She's been doing so well and has been sleeping with us at night, much to the cat's displeasure.

(2/17) The boys and I had work and school today and Dad had the day off. J has had an amazing run of 100% behavior days (3 weeks now!), so I ran to the store to get him a blue Dew, which is his favorite. Yay, J!

(2/18) Ahh, the weekend. Finally! We bummed around the house for most of the morning and then piled in the car to have dinner with Jake and family plus S & S and the bébé. We had a great time and the kiddos wanted to come back the next day. 

(2/19) The kiddos and I had a day of sloth. I finished a couple of books, threw lots of toys for the pups, and didn't do much else. The twins played their machines and the teen grumbled and avoided but finally managed to find a couple of assignments he could do so he could have some device time. This is going to be a looong, boring weekend for him.

(2/20) The boys and I were off for Presidents' Day. I slept in and did a whole lot of nothin' today. It was crazy windy which limited outdoor activities, at least for me. C loves to go out in stormy weather and doesn't seem to mind the cold at all. We started watching The Last of Us and got in three episodes today. I'm sure he'll disappear again when he gets his computer back, but it's been fun to hang with him.

(2/21) I got to "sleep in" til 6am this morning since Sarah & I decided to skip our morning walk. Poor J had a rude awakening when the dog started puking in his room before I went to get her though. He was wide awake when I left for work ~ so much for vacation snoozing for him! My work day was initially filled with meetings but all save one was rescheduled. Score!

(2/22) I had the day off today and the kiddos were back in school after a four-day hiatus. It snowed most of the morning--just enough to be pretty, but not enough to stick around and cause chaos. I adulted for the morning and made all of the phone calls, and scheduled all of the things, and then I proceeded to rot my brain with some of my favorite trash TV. It's about balance, right? 

(2/23) Brr! It was 28°F this morning on our walk. I worked in the building today, the boys had school, and Dad had the day off.

(2/24) Sarah and I went for a frosty walk this morning (25°F) before work. I worked from home, the boys had school, and Dad had the day off. We had a meeting at the school for D this afternoon to discuss his behavior plan for the transition to middle school.

(2/25) We were supposed to meet some friends for sushi, but they were unable to join us so we had to sushi by ourselves (oh darn!). We went out to Sky Nursery and picked out some new azaleas for our front flower bed and stashed all our goodies in the garage until it warms up a tad.

(2/26) It snowed a little bit overnight. Dad put dinner in the Crock-Pot and cinnamon rolls in the oven for us before he headed out for work. I spent the morning reading while the boys video gamed. Once it had thawed out a little, I went outside for some sunshine. C and I watched our show (The Last of Us) as soon as it dropped this evening and I started watching The Big Bang Theory from the beginning with D.

(2/27) We all had work and school today. I picked the twins up early from school to take D in for a (routine) doctor's appointment. We popped by WinCo for snacks afterward and then I headed back upstairs to work.

(2/28) It snowed off and on today which was pretty to watch from my office window. Nothing stuck around which was great as I'm jonesing for some spring weather. I had a bunch of meetings today which kept me busy until it was time to hang it up for the day. The boys had pretty good days at school and were enjoying their Tuesday night pizza when I got home.

(3/1) March came in like a lamb and it was cold and overcast today. Dad had taken the day off so we partied hard and did both grocery shopping and a Costco run this morning. I picked up the twins for dental appointments afterward and took them to McDonald's as a treat before returning them to school. They both had great days so, of course, we had to go to WinCo for snacks after too. Even Dad got in on WinCo Wednesday this week.

(3/2) I worked in the building today, the boys had school, and Dad had the day off. Poor J had to go in and get some baby teeth extracted so was pretty miserable this afternoon. He was supposed to have lunch with the principal for hitting 20 days of 100% behavior tomorrow, but we're hoping they can move it to next week since all he's going to be able to enjoy right now are soft foods. My office had an open house / annual meeting today. I ended up working through (while listening) to the meeting but did enjoy the office happy hour after. Give me a smaller group any day, says this introvert!

(3/3) Work and school for the boys and me today. I started my day off with a doctor's appointment and then came back home to work. D really wanted to have game night tonight and updated me as to how many minutes I had left to work every fifteen minutes or so. He decided on Catan but couldn't handle me making a move and quit part way through. C took over for him and turned things around.

(3/4) Dad and C went up to Rob's to work on cars today. The twins and I hung out at home and did our own things. I read a little, caught up on my trashy show, and did my Saturday chores. Dad and C went to Tips' Navy Night game with the guys tonight. The Tips got creamed, but it was still a fun outing.

(3/5) I slept in a little and enjoyed a slower start to my morning. Dad put dinner in the Crock-Pot before leaving for work again for us. It was sunny out when I finally got up, so my book and I went on a walk. Once I got back, I was inspired to do some yard work. We bought some creeping thyme to replace the grass strip out front so I hacked away at that and planted what we purchased last weekend. I decided on another trip to Sky and purchased a bunch more thyme and compost. I'm maybe 1/4 done, but it looks way better than before! C decided to tackle his room today and spent several hours going through all his clothes and hauling out things he no longer wants. I can actually see his floor! It's looking great!

(3/6) Monday again. We all had work and school. J got to celebrate 20 days of 100% behavior charts by having lunch with the principal. He scored some McD's which he nicely shared with D and a classmate. He was pretty pleased with himself. I worked from home and was happy to have my walking buddy back! She was on vacation last week, so we had a lot to catch up on.

(3/7) Today was a work and school day for all of us. I worked in the building and Dad popped home to deliver the boys and pizza before running to an appointment. The twins came home with their middle school registration paperwork. Here we gooooo!

(3/8) I have the day off today and am going to enjoy not having anything on my schedule. The next few weeks are going to be a whirlwind! 

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