Sunday, April 16, 2023

Spring Has Sprung

(3/9) I took the day off to deal with dentalpalooza. Dad had a dental appointment with sedation in the morning and J had an orthodontist appointment in the afternoon. Looks like probably braces for J this summer. We had Panda tonight, which is a family fave since neither of us was up to cooking.

(3/10) I worked from home today and the boys had school. I had another meeting at the school to make plans for D in middle school. We're trying bi-weekly meetings now to see if that helps. D has been coming up with new interesting ways to give me more gray hair.

(3/11) C helped me break up the grass out front which made the planting process go much faster! I'm still short a few plants, but I measured this time and know exactly how many more to buy. Once we were done playing in the dirt and C earned his phone for the weekend, we cleaned up and Dad and I took the girls to Elemental for lunch and then to St. Pawty's Day at Skookum. We didn't stay long because it was a zoo, but said hi and bought shirts from our favorite rescue. We then headed to McAuliffe's Valley Nursery, which is holy cow huge! I hadn't been there before and can definitely spend some pennies there in the future!

(3/12) The boys and I had a quiet morning at home. Nanan came over this afternoon because she has some appointments in town tomorrow morning and we figured it'd be easier to start from here.  We got most of the paperwork taken care of and are more or less ready.

(3/13) I took today off to attend some medical appointments with Nanan. It was a long day, but we have a plan now, so that's a good start. We went for lunch at the Olive Garden and then stopped so the leprechaun could get goodies for Friday. She went on home a little before I grabbed the boys from school.

(3/14) Happy Pi(3) Day! My work all went in on SnoCo Pie Co pies and Dad got us one for the fam later. It was a sugar-filled day, but oh so good!

(3/15) I had the day off today and after the boys went to school, I read my book and hung out with the dogs. I went out to lunch and ran an errand before grabbing the boys. J wanted to celebrate 25 days of 100% effort at school with Mountain Dew floats. We came home and he proceeded to drink his Dew before we could have them as dessert. Whoops! I told him we could try again next week. Poor guy was really disappointed.

(3/16) I worked in the building today, the boys had school, and Dad was off today. I had a lot of work to do, so that kept me out of trouble for most of the day. I sure was glad when 5p finally came to the party!

(3/17) Happy Paddy's Day! The leprechauns left goodies for the boys including some rock candy that D has talked about for the last five years now. I worked from home today, the boys had school, and Dad had the day off. He made us a right proper Irish dinner this evening.

(3/18) C and I finished up planting all the creeping thyme. The rows are straight-ish, if you don't look too closely. I'm looking forward to seeing it all grown out! We went to the store to get snacks for a party he is going to this evening. I pruned the raspberry canes--they're starting to leaf out already. C'mon spring! Today was absolutely beautiful. Dad and I sat out on the porch and enjoyed a glad of rosé. C drove us all to the Corgi races at the Tips game this evening. We hadn't selected that game as one of our season picks so used our flex tickets and ended up close to the action. We were also right under the speakers which was too loud for D, but otherwise it was a fun night!

(3/19) We had a quiet morning hanging out on our devices. I went out for a walk once the sun came out and met J on the way back on his way to the park. We went down to the swings and J played for a bit and then we wandered back home. I ran out to grab some compost for the garden beds and also picked up some lettuce and snap pea starts because D has been wanting to grow more veggies. We planted them up and puttered around until it was time to make dinner.

(3/20) I worked from home today and the rest of the fam had work and school. D finally managed a good behavior day after quite the run of no bueno scores and earned his screen time. This meant I got the TV to myself, and after I was done watching all the news, I got to catch up on my trashy programs.

(3/21) Today was a work and school kind of day. I was in the building and had a bunch of meetings, which took up the bulk of my day. 

(3/22) Dad and I had the day off today. C's school was SAT testing and started four hours late. He had a dental appointment right in the middle of all that, so we called him out too. Dad and I did fun adult things like go furniture shopping and to Costco. I played Tetris to make room for some new things and then worked out in the yard since it was such a beautiful day. Both boys did amazing at school today and we celebrated with blue Mountain Dew floats.

(3/23) I worked from home this morning and took the afternoon off to attend a doctor's appointment with Nanan. We met her new primary care and really liked her. We went for lunch afterward and then back to the house for coffee.

(3/24) I worked from home today. This week has been a doozy, so I opted to stay home tonight while Dad & C went to the Tips game. The Tips suffered a pretty brutal loss so I'm almost glad I wasn't there to see it.

(3/25) We met the kids and picked up baby W for the day so S&S could celebrate their fifth anniversary. W slept for the entire ride down and played hard until he was tired and then took naps on Opa. S proposed tonight at the house and it was so sweet to be a part of that. Congrats, congrats & welcome to the family! 

(3/26) I slept in this morning and enjoyed a slow start to my Sunday. I went to the nursery to buy sweet pea starts and tried not to buy plants that need protection from nights under 45° when our days are just barely above it right now. I still bought a few, potted them up, and put them in the garage to hang until it warms up a little bit.

(3/27) I worked from home today, Dad worked at work, C had a full day of school, and the twins have half days all this week. Both D & J had great days and jumped right into their after school attire and played on screens while I finished up my day.

(3/28) I worked in the building today, Dad took the day off, and the boys had school. My office threw a happy hour for our boss who is celebrating five years with us this year. We took the last few hours to gather and hang. I really have such wonderful coworkers.

(3/29) I had the day off and the pups and I spent the morning holding down the couch. I picked up the twins this afternoon and we did our WinCo run before their conferences. D went with me for their conferences and J opted to stay home. They're both doing great academically and are all registered for middle school. It was so nice out when we got home that I spent a little time weeding in the back yard, which inspired D to clean the windows of nose print art.

(3/30) I worked at the office today, the boys had school, and Dad was off. Dad ran a bunch of errands and started filling the new freezer we bought at Costco the other day. We've had a tiny side-by-side which we've had to carefully Tetris each time we shop, so this will be a nice change!

(3/31) I worked from home today, Dad had the day off, and the kiddos are on their last day of school before break. We made it! 

(4/1) I slept in this morning and eventually wandered outside to walk with my book. The sky got darker and darker as the day went along, so I finished up my outside stuff and headed in before it started dumping.

(4/2) Sarah and I went for a long coffee walk in the rain this morning. I was feeling rather apathetic about lunch, so opted to run and grab something from the store. The kiddos begged for the full "Wednesday WinCo run" treatment, so I grabbed us all caffeine and sugar. We all played on our own devices and spent the afternoon doing a whole lot of nothing.

(4/3) We're headed out on vacation so ran all the errands, finished doing all the laundry, and packed all the things this morning. We opted for the long way around since there was a long line for the ferry. C got to drive us and we took some pretty bumpy forest service roads which had all of us feeling rather anxious to just get there already. We cooked up frozen pizzas for dinner once we arrived and played Catan and air hockey this evening. The place we're staying at is awesome!

(4/4) We hung out for the morning and then let C drive the forest service roads and stopped for some scenic views. On the way back, we hit the Hoodsport Winery and picked up some fantastic fruity wine which we enjoyed later. We had dinner and then I watched the arraignment coverage while Dad and J battled at air hockey.

(4/5) We spent a lazy day at the house and then packed up and drove out to meet the folks at a restaurant called the Geoduck. They were operating on a limited menu, but we all found something tasty to eat! Once we got home, I peeked in on the news and then played Super Mario with Dad. I'm waaay out of practice!

(4/6) We had an early check-out time, so we packed up and got on the road. We took the ferry home today, and it was nice to get out and stretch in the middle of the ride (and not hear the children fight about who does and does not need air). We got home, got unpacked, and then all went off to do our own things. It's always so nice to be home!

(4/7) We adulted this morning and went to Costco. I headed out later to pick up flowers for the grandparents and may have picked up a few plants for myself while I was at it. I potted everything up and did a little yard work. I always get impatient for things to hurry up and grow this time of year. 

(4/8) We piled in the car to head to the grands' for an early Easter get together with them and Jake's fam. We got a front-row seat to watch the boat we wanted sail away. Sigh. But once we finally made it, we had a lovely brunch, egg dyeing & hunting good time! We headed on home this evening because Dad has to work tomorrow and we didn't want to leave the pooches too long. Dad brought some of his chocolate and pomegranate wine and it was soooo good.

(4/9) Hoppy Easter! Sarah and I went for a soggy coffee walk this morning. But the trees were pretty, and the chai was tasty. We invited Nanan over for cinnamon rolls and egg hunting. C was pretty candied out, so passed and just collected the ones the twins missed. D made us all deviled eggs this morning and did a great job. I cooked up a ham for dinner so we have ham and hard-boiled eggs for days!

(4/10) Back to the grind for us all today. I tried to remember how to work from home, Dad worked at work, and the boys had school. Sounds like everyone had a good day, but man was I tired by the day's end.

(4/11) We all had work and school today. I worked in the building and had lots of meetings in the morning and then I took the afternoon off to take D to the ENT. The Dr. told us about a product to try and I'm hopeful that it helps him with his monster nose bleeds! So we'll try it and see how he does.

(4/12) I had the day off today and had plans to be productive, but wasn't. Nanan had a doctor's appointment during our regular WinCo Wednesday run, so I let the boys "pre-order" their treats. Both boys have been rockin' it this week, so I was more than happy to do that! As a result of today's appointment with Nanan, we'll have more appointments. Woo.

(4/13) I went for a damp walk with Sarah this morning before work and then headed to the office. I was all by my lonesome for most of the day since my coworkers are working from home this week. But I also got a lot done, so that was nice.

(4/14) I worked from home today, the boys had school, and Dad had the day off. He and C attempted to fix a leaky toilet this afternoon, but unfortunately it kept leaking after the seal was replaced, so we'll have to call in reinforcements tomorrow. Sigh. But it was nice enough to sit out and the porch and have a drink after work. I spied a Junco nest in my fuchsias too.

(4/15) We had the plumbers out and they ended up replacing the problem toilet. Not a fun way to spend money! I did find a fun way though and took myself to the nursery. Hey, there were plants that I didn't have that were on sale! The weather turned so I didn't get much planted. It was supposed to be nice this afternoon, so Dad had planned to grill. He did anyway. In the rain. Dinner was delicious, but harrumph on this day.

(4/16) Bleh. It is gross out, so I'm in here updating this blog and will have book club later. That's about all I have planned for the day.

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