Monday, May 22, 2023

May Flowers

(4/17) We all had work and school today. D has been rereading the Land of Stories series and is just blowing through the books. He is at almost a book a day, and they're not small! It makes this mom's bookworm heart very happy. 

(4/18) I worked in the building today and had a lot to do so was busy nearly the entire time. It was pizza night tonight and I was more than happy to put my feet up and turn my brain off for a while once I got home. 

(4/19) Today was my normal day off. I slept in and then had a quiet morning to myself after everyone headed off to work and school. I waited for it to get a little bit warmer and then ran out for chocolatey bribes for some boys on awesome goal streaks! I then worked out in the yard and composted the front bed. We're a few weeks behind normal due to the cold temps, so my tulips have yet to bloom. It shouldn't be too long though! 

(4/20) I took the day off today to attend some appointments with Nanan. It was a LONG day and we sure were wiped when we were finally done. We did manage to squeeze lunch at the Totem Diner in between appointments which was nice. Dad cooked up burgers and dogs for dinner and we dined together before Nanan headed home.

(4/21) I worked from home today, the boys had school, and Dad had the day off. D has worked and worked on a presentation about Ireland for multi-cultural night. Dad went out in search of soda bread, but didn't find any his first trip out. I looked online and found some at a local restaurant, but when he stopped by he found out their definition of "loaf" was more what we'd call a biscuit. So back to the store Dad went. Luckily he managed to score some and saved the day. D and I attended multi-cultural night and the soda bread was a hit! We also tried some of the other foods there and had a fun time!

(4/22) We went through and gathered up all our old paint to take to a recycling event and then went thrifting. There was a thrift store that was donating to one of our favorite rescues, so we had our arms twisted. Since we were already in the area, we stopped off at the nursery to buy a replacement hydrangea for our old one that hasn't come back this year. We got stuck in accident traffic on the way there though so I had to speed-shop in order to make it home in time for C's dentist appointment. He's old enough now that I don't have to stay for his appointments, so I went wandering to the other plant shop to browse. Once C was done we headed home so I could plant all my treasures.

(4/23) Lazy Sunday for most of us; only Dad had to work today. I slept in and once the rain finally stopped, went out for a walk while listening to my book. Back at home, I mowed the lawn-moss for the first time this spring and worked out in the yard for a while.

(4/24) Sarah and I walked in the rain this morning. It's supposed to warm up and be sunny by the end of the week and I cannot wait! It took me forever to thaw out this morning. We all had work and school today. I worked from home and the boys had great days at school.

(4/25) I worked in the building today and my day was full of meetings, which kept me out of trouble and busy all day.

(4/26) I had the day off today and went to Zumba after the kiddos headed off to school. While I was out running errands, we learned about an old lady chihuahua that needed to a soft place to recover from surgery. I went and picked her up and she invited herself right onto my lap shortly after coming home. I think she'll be fine! The twins have been doing awesome since spring break so we did our WinCo run after school and got them treats.

(4/27) I worked in the building today and it was so quiet with my normal Thursday crew out or trying a different schedule. It was beautiful today and I enjoyed my break out in the sunshine and the gorgeous sunrise too.

(4/28) Work and school for the boys and me today and Dad had the day off. I took my lunch early and we ran to Costco to restock all the things. That should tide us for a few days at least!

(4/29) Dad and C headed out to Rob's to play with cars this morning and the twins and I got a slower start. I realized that I had donated all of their shorts -- every last pair -- and that they had none on the hottest day of the year so far. I made a run to Target to buy them a few pairs. Whoopsie! J wanted to go to the park, so we packed up and played until they got too hot and we had to go for ice cream. Dad barbecued tonight and we picnicked in the backyard this evening. I had done a little yardwork this afternoon and it was nice to sit outside and enjoy it!

(4/30) Ahh, Sunday... Dad had to work today but threw dinner in the crock-pot before he headed out. I hung out with the puppies and then decided on a Zumba class. Once I got home, I finished up my book and then tried to sneak in the sad part of the series I was watching before Dad got home. Almost made it.

(5/1) We all had work and school today. I slept in a little and took my walk at lunch time. The boys had awesome days. J hit 50 days of 100% effort at school and was pretty proud of himself. D has also had a long string of good days and his teacher came out to say how well he was doing lately.

(5/2) I worked in the building today and the men had work and school. D's teacher sent home a note today and because of D's hard work lately, he'll be recognized at the next awards assembly. We're thrilled for him ~ he's been really trying hard these last few weeks.

(5/3) I had the day off today and went to Zumba after the boys had headed off to school. When I picked them up this afternoon, we went to WinCo for our normal Wednesday treats. Halfway through our shop, however, they announced their debit machines were down. I only had $20 in cash so we picked up a few things and I told the boys I'd go pick up Mountain Dew from another store. I went two more places and struck out finding blue Dew. I did find some cute teacher appreciation gift cards and bags though, so it wasn't a total loss. I wasn't paying attention and those cute bags? They had glitter on them. At some point I had touched my face and by the time I got back to the car I was quite sparkly. I was very glad that I used the self-check line and didn't have to interact with anyone else.

(5/4) I took the day off to help Nanan with some appointments. She had some bloodwork done and then we went for breakfast. She had one more appointment this afternoon and we should be good...'til next week. We're very slowly knocking things off the list. This evening we loaded up the doggos to leave Dad with a quiet house to see how our old lady foster girl would do with another foster doggo in the program. Things went well with her, but he was not keen on our dog boys.

(5/5) The boys and I had work and school and Dad had the day off. Today was all about putting out fires at work, which kept me scrambling all day. By the time 5p rolled around, I was beyond ready to turn my computer off!

(5/6) River turned on the TV this morning and the horses were already on, so we watched a couple of races with her completely fascinated and offering her toy. We saw on Facebook that one of our favorite distilleries was offering cocktails for the coronation of the new king, so we decided to mosey on over. We had a great time and got to test some of their new stuff. From there we headed out to Snohomish and Dad gave a bottle of the mead he brewed to the bee & honey store where he purchased the honey. Then we headed over to Skiprock for some more of our favorites. We capped the day with a trip to Middleton for dinner with the kids and puppy-girls. We got home in time for the derby and then watched a movie.

(5/7) The boys and I were off today. I slept in and then spent the morning caught up in a book. Once I finished it, I decided to go for a walk and start a new one on audio. I did some weeding once I got home and rearranged the garage so we could fit more workout equipment. C's really getting into lifting lately so I got him a pull up bar which he put together last night.

(5/8) Back to the grind for all of us today. Dad and I got to go to an assembly this afternoon where D was recognized for his hard work and effort these last few weeks. Yay, D! It was nice this evening, so Dad grilled and we had dinner outside. We topped off a fun evening with banana splits. Of course the bananas were shared with the banana hound (Toffee). She loves her nanners!

(5/9) I took the day off to attend an appointment to Nanan. And the verdict is we get to go see more doctors. Oh boy oh boy. We went for coffee and a visit afterward and then I wandered on home. C felt rotten this morning so stayed home and I brought him some soup for lunch. I hope he feels better soon!

(5/10) I had the day off today. C was still feeling cruddy this morning and stayed home again, but thankfully he was feeling much better by this afternoon. I had a meeting with the middle school group for the twins next year (gulp!). It sounds like we have a good plan in place for them next year. After that I ran a few errands and did some yard work. It was beautiful out today and the perfect temp. It's going to really heat up this weekend and I'm sure I'll be griping about it soon, but today was really lovely.

(5/11) I worked in the building today and stopped on the way home to drop off a pint at the blood bank. J had a well child visit today and is already 5'4". He's gonna be so tall!

(5/12) I worked from home today. I recorded some support material which took up the bulk of my day. I'm ready for my project to go live next week. Fingers crossed for a smooth deployment!

(5/13) Dad went and picked out our new seats for hockey next year. We went down to three because the twins so often don't want to go. I had a lazyish day and spent a lot of quality time with my book. Once I finished the one in print, I put an audiobook on and went out and did some yardwork. Dad grilled up steaks for dinner tonight and we sat out on the porch with a glass of vino this evening.

(5/14) Happy Mother's Day! D greeted me with a very cute flower basket filled with Reese's Pieces and then helped me eat them. I had to run to the store so the kiddos all put in their requests (including more Reese's Pieces). I specifically needed to get sour cream for dinner. I got all of the kids' requests and a few extra things and completely forgot about the sour cream. Whoops! So back I went. It had really heated up by the time I got back and I power washed the back patio. I always get soaked when I run it, so it was the perfect day to do it. Nanan came this afternoon and we decided on just hanging here with iced coffees. We visited and then I made tacos for dinner. It was a really nice day!

(5/15) Today was supposed to be the hottest, topping out around 90°. Bleh! I worked from home and we had the windows and doors open before closing it up and bringing the squirrel patrol inside. D was very thankful that I made him rethink his clothing choice this morning and helped him find some shorts. We had a little lightning show this evening and tomorrow is going to be at least 20° cooler. Thank goodness!

(5/16) Meeting Tuesday was a busy one for me. I worked in the building, Dad worked at work, and the boys had school. We switched up our normal pizza Tuesday a little bit because the twins' school is having a fundraiser at Panda Express tomorrow and they twisted our arms to eat there. We had frozen pizzas this evening instead.

(5/17) I had the day off today and spent a quiet day at home. I read, spent a little time in the sunshine and caught up on some sleep. Not super exciting, but needed. The boys had great days and we still did our WinCo run. Dad worked from home this evening so everyone was around for Panda.

(5/18) Bleh. Smoky sunrise today. It's still May, right? We didn't skip straight to August did we? I worked in the building today. Thursdays are normally pretty quiet for me and aside from a couple of hours in meetings, this one was no different. Dad was supposed to have the day off, but had to run into work for an hour, but then was free to go about his day.

(5/19) Dad did a thing today. He traded in the Miata for a 2010 Mustang convertible. I was working at home, but got to go for a ride at lunch. It's very nice! It's roomier for us tall people and has a back seat so we can haul the children or the dogs with us. Dad went to pick up the kids in it, climbed in this strange car, and completely shocked them. It was pretty funny!

(5/20) It was beautiful today and we took the Mustang out for a drive. I needed to run to Lowe's and of course came home with plants, which whipped around in the back seat. They all made it in one piece, more or less. We picked up Toffee and went slowly around the block as she got used to the idea, and then out to the pet store for a treat. We came back home and had a relaxing afternoon. Dad grilled burgers and dogs for dinner and we all hung out for the evening.

(5/21) I did some plant tetris in the yard so I could fit in my new roses. I dug out two clumps of lupine to make space and offered them up to someone on my gardening group that was looking for starters, and then moved some other things around so they'd have better light. Then I ran out for another pot, more potting soil, more rock for the dog yard... and maybe a few more plants.

(5/22) Monday-Monday. Today is a work-from-home day for me and the boys have school. 

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