Monday, February 20, 2012

February 14th-20th

D in white; J in green

(2/14) Happy Valentines Day!  I was home alone with 3 younger men tonight. And one of them was hyped up on sugar.  Weee!

The little boys slept most of yesterday.  Apparently they were tired. They didn't really want to go down for the night after all that sleeping, but once they were down, they were down.

(2/15) The boys had their 4 month visit today. Here are their stats: D is 12lbs 13.1oz (11%); 25 3/8” (61%); HC 41 ¾ cm (47%) and J is 12lbs 12.1oz (10%); 25” (52%); HC 41 ¾ cm (47%). And for reference, C @ 4 mos: 16lbs 2.9oz (75%); 25 ¾” (74%); HC 44 cm (90%). Looks like they've gained length and brains these past 2 months. Here are their 2 month stats: J @ 2 mos: 9lbs 10.4 oz (10%), 23” (51%), Head 39cm (25%) & D @ 2 mos: 9lbs 6.1oz (9%), 22.5” (25%), Head 39cm (25%).

D didn’t fuss at all at his shots, just got a little pouty, and J cried and cried until they gave him the oral vaccine, which he thought was a treat and calmed him down instantly.

(2/16) Work day for me, and day with Dad for the little boys.  Dad and I left in the afternoon to go watch C play hockey, and the twins stayed with Nanan.  Not too long after we'd gotten home, I sat on the floor to play with the boys. J was very focused on standing and was grinning at me when Dad came up from behind and pretended to "eat the baby".  J *screamed* and instantly fell apart.  It was one of those times that you feel bad, but can't help but giggle at the expression on his face.  Poor little man!

(2/17)  Work day for both Dad & me today and the twins were with Kathy.  Dad had to separate the twins this morning because they were snuggled up, still asleep and having a slap fight.  And so it begins...

D did a lot of scooting around in a semi-circle when laying on his back.  I fear he'll be mobile in no time at this rate.

This video makes me laugh. Check out D's feet - that head is still pretty heavy, so he tries to counter-balance with his feet.

(2/18) Poor boys.  They are all stuffed up and coughing today.  We had a rough night of sleep last night.  Every time D tried to eat, he couldn't hardly breathe, so he just cried, and then J woke up. At 4 months, patience is not a strong suit... and trying to tell a hungry boy to wait for his brother wasn't happening, so he fussed and fussed.  Needless to say, I'm very glad we didn't have to be anywhere early today and were able to sleep in!

After I got the boys up and took their pictures, we bundled up and headed to the children's museum to meet Sarah, Kathy & kiddos. The little boys sacked out in their slings and pretty much slept for the entire museum trip.  Kathy offered to wear D around for a while, which totally saved my shoulders.  Thank you!  The 2 boys together get heavy after a while!

(2/19) D is mostly all better, but now it's J's turn. We've been using the nebulizer a ton and monitoring his temp, which spiked during the night.  I ran out and picked up some Baby Vick's, so now my baby smells like eucalyptus. 

Hope he feels better soon!  He normally is so talkative and happy, but refuses to smile at me today.  Probably because I'm the one that sucked his nose out.  Mean mommy!

(2/20)  Much better night!  I think J is finally over the worst of it.  His temp was stable and he was able to eat without too much interference.  I have today off since it's President's Day, and Dad is off as well, so it's another family day for us.  Yippy! 

For some reason, C likes to get right up in their faces to talk to them.  I always have to tell him to back up a little.  The babies don't really seem to mind though.  They adore him!

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