Monday, February 6, 2012

January 31st-February 6th

(1/31) Today Nanan watched the little boys while Dad & I were at work.  Nanan reports D was a little fussy, and that J slept a lot.  They seem to alternate having days like that. 


(2/1) Yay, D! I put D down on his tummy and went into the kitchen to finish fixing lunch and came back to a fussing D on his back. I tried to get a video of him rolling over, but of course, he didn't do it on camera.

C had a field trip today, so Nanan watched the little guys while we were off touring the fire station.  I brought Jordan and Bridger back, which was a bit too much noise for J.  Poor guy startles at big jumps or high-pitched shrieking from the bigger boys, unless he can see them & then he's all grins.  Gone are the days where I can vacuum under them while they sleep.


(2/2) Dad says D is *so* close to rolling back to front - he just can't quite get that arm out of the way.  The boys spent the day with Dad and then came to C's hockey game where they promptly went to sleep, all snugged up with Nanan and me.  We sure do get a lot of looks, especially carrying the pair of them around.

Margaret suggests that when people ask if they're twins we should reply with "Oh, no! I forgot the third one in the car!"


(2/3)  Wow!  I put the boys to bed last night around 8:30p.  They had both fallen asleep slightly before that, so I just laid them in their bed and went back down to watch some TV.  I resettled J after about 20 minutes, again around midnight, and again at 1a.  D slept all the way from 8:30p 'til after 2am before waking up to eat.  Every time I checked on him, he was all snuggled up with a diaper cloth with his thumb in his mouth.  So cute! 

Today the boys went to Sarah's while Dad & I worked. She recruited the girls to help hold babies and said she never got all the babies to nap at once.  She said they were very happy and smiley for her though.

We stayed for dinner and I put the boys down as soon as we got home.  All three kids were out within 20 minutes of getting home.  Wowie!


(2/4) Today was hockey practice for C.  I dropped the littles off at Grandma & Granddad's and then ran him to practice.  We stayed for lunch and then headed back home where we got a visit with Cousin Aisling & Auntie Bridgette! 

J, having been awake most of the day, slept through the entire visit..  But D got to meet Auntie B!


(2/5) Superbowl Sunday! We spent the day not watching the game, not even for the commercials. Sorry, Nanan... we're just not football fans.  

Sarah & I went for a run and then the little boys and I listened to a book, and played the afternoon away. We had a nice dinner and watched a movie in the evening.  It was a lovely day.

Visit with Auntie B & Aisling! 

(2/6) Monday-Monday-Monday.  It's a work day for me and the little guys are home with their dad.  Here's to a good day!


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