Monday, February 27, 2012

February 21st-27th

(2/21) Work day for Dad & me.  Poor J was just miserable.  He was not his happy, smiley, talkative self at all.  He wasn't running a temp, but was still coughing and most definitely did not want to be put down.  Poor bug.  I hope he feels better soon!

I broke out the jumper yesterday.  D decided he would just lean over and gum the sides, but J figured it out.

(2/22) C is on mid-winter break this week, and I had cleaning duty at the preschool.  Sarah came over and watched all the boys for a little bit for me, and we had a nice lunch together after I got back.  Little boys are feeling much better today!  They are still coughing a little, but have normal temps and are back to being happy. 

I packed up all the 3 month clothes today.  Sad. But not too sad since the 6 month clothing is just as cute!

J fell asleep in the jumper today.  Heehee!  I put the blanket in front to help fill up the seat and to make any face-plants have a soft landing.  J likes to gather it up and bury his face in it.

(2/23) Zzzz... J and I had a little quality time at 4am today.  He was laying in bed cooing and wouldn't go back to sleep, so we got up and went downstairs to use the nebulizer.  He went right to sleep on my chest afterwards.  Today was my early day at work so I could go to C's hockey game too.  I told my coworkers to just poke me if I fell asleep.

After we got home, Dad broke out the sweet potatoes (first food).  I'm in no hurry for them to eat solids, but Dad is excited... so why not.  J gobbled them down and D let them ooze back out of his mouth.  I don't think he's quite ready. 

(2/24) Dad stayed home sick today with the little boys and C went to Nana's.  This cold will just not leave.  With the rush-rush-rush of yesterday, by the time I got home, I was totally ready to sit on the floor and play with babies!  C spent the night at Jordan's, so it was just the three of us since Dad felt well enough to head in to work after I got home.  As you can see, our Friday nights are pretty wild and crazy!

D on the floor; J snoozing in the jumper
Jumpin' J!

(2/25) Weeee, busy day for us!  The twins and I went to hockey with C.  Luckily, we had an extra baby holder at practice since Kathy was there.  Everything went well until I tried to fold up the double stroller.  After fiddling with it for a few minutes, I gave up and called up Dawn for destructions. Thank goodness she answered, or I'd still be out there!  After practice, we headed to the store to buy stuff for dinner. Now I suppose I should actually cook it instead of arranging this post.

Laughing D!

(2/26) The little boys and I went to coffee with Tory today.  So good to see her looking so well!  She even rocked D to sleep!  J lasted about an hour and half before he started to yell, and then get upset.  We decided to pack up and head back after that.  After we got home, the boys took a nap with Dad "supervising" (read: also napping) and I headed out for a run in the sun.  I came home to still sleeping boys and had a lovely afternoon with the fam.  We watched Puss in Boots, which J "yelled" through. Silly boy!

Cooing fools!

(2/27) Zzz.. and once again J was an early bird.  Both boys demanded to eat at the same time last night, every time.  I fed them last at 5am and then removed myself from the room hoping that would help convince them to go back to sleep.  Nope. J was done with the sleeping business and he was ready to be up for the day.  Sorry, Dad. 

Hope the rest of the day is better and that the boys go back to sleep!  Or at least take a nice, long nap this afternoon.

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