Monday, October 29, 2012

October 23rd-29th

(10/23) Short week this week.  My "little" brother is getting married! I am working today and then will be off until Monday.  Kathy watched the kiddos and then we had a mad scramble to get dinner made, everyone fed, and the kids to bed.  Tuesdays are always such a blur. 

(10/24) We went to storytime at the library today with Sarah & her boys.  My little boys are not quite ready for it, but they were happy to crawl around and get into other people's things.  J grabbed a cookie out of someone's diaper bag and had it in his mouth before I discovered what he was up to.  Oops.

Jordan made their name tags for them.  D was DENTE and J was JATN.

Then we had school for C / nap time for boys.  D & J chatted through nap and had just barely fallen asleep before I had to wake them up and take them to get C, and then to Granddad's for the rehearsal dinner. 

Dinner was fun!  The boys crawled around and snacked while people chatted.  We were planning to eat right around the time the boys would normally go down, so I went ahead and put them down a little early.  They were most unhappy, but by the time I went to check on them again, they were moaning, and then by the next time, they were out.

(10/25) Jake and Amber's wedding was today. The ceremony was lovely and the boys were very well behaved. Their outfits were adorable!  Nanan picked out black turtlenecks, red bow-ties, red socks, and black jeans.  Darling!  I hope I can snag some pictures from other sources.  I neglected to take any, so I could just be there to enjoy.

Photo Credit: Brady Wolf.  Love these!

(10/26) Today, C had an early dismissal from school, and an earlier start time.  So I piled us all in the car to take him to school, and J zonked out, but D stayed awake.  J kept right on sleeping when we got back, and I put D down after giving him a snack.  The boys slept until it was time to go get C.  We hussled back to meet the dry wallers, had lunch, and then the boys played while they worked.  They were good up until about 5pm, but that short nap hours and hours before just didn't hold them, so I put them down for another catnap.  Got them back up around 6pm, and let them play until about 7:30-8ish when they went down for the night.

Love my family!!  L to R: Granddad, D & me, Dad & J, C, Nanan, Jake,
Audrey, Amber, Craig, Shannon & Grandma

(10/27) Nanan came and watched the kids while I was at a run.  C had hockey this morning, so it was just the little boys and Nanan. I called around 11:30am, and they were just going down for a nap, and Sarah & I were en route to Starbucks to warm up from a very wet half.  We had to hurry through so I could get back and meet the dry waller again.  He finished mudding and will be back Monday to sand.  N.e.v.e.r..e.n.d.i.n.g.  Granddad came over to carve pumpkins this afternoon, and poor J gets really upset with Granddad for some reason.  Part of it was that he was tired because they were woken up when the dry waller worked in their room, and part of it is just the age, and OMG MOM IS GONNA LEAVE!!!  I ended up putting the babies down for another catnap and they went right out.  I woke them so we could run and get some dinner. We had teriyaki, and they decorated themselves in rice.  Yum.

(10/28) What a fun day!  C had his first race this morning, and we headed out before the littles even got up.  I did hear some "Dada"s over the monitor, but I figured since they were calling him, he could get them up. When we got back, the little boys were playing.  We hung around for a little while before I realized we had time to squeeze in Halloween with the Lights On at the children's museum.  Can't wait to take the little guys next year!  Dad had a writing event to go to, so we played at the museum for a few hours and got home in time for him to go.  The twins were down for a nap by this time, and continued to sleep until Dad left.  I got them up and brought them down for a snack and more playing.  They played up until 5, and then were ready for dinner, bath, and bed. 

Both boys are randomly saying "Mom," and D will still have long arguments with me.  I say "Mama" or "Denton" and he exclaims "DADA!"  Very cute.

J is taking a step in between launching himself at us. He thinks walking practice is really flying practice. 

(10/29) Back to work with me! The dry waller will come back today to finish sanding.  They're thinking they can paint on Thurs.  Here's hoping! 

Don't these guys look like trouble? 

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