Monday, October 1, 2012

September 25th-October 1st

(9/25) Kathy sent me a picture and video of J standing to play.  Woot!  What do you think... walking by his birthday?  16 days away!

(9/26) Aww, poor bugs are all congested today.  Welcome to school season!  We went over for a play date at Sarah's this morning and the boys played while we coffee'd.  Then we dropped C off at school.  The twins napped during the car ride and parking lot lunch, and were ready for their lunch by the time we returned.  I fed them lunch and then let them down to play.  They crashed again for the trip out to get C, and were totally done before 7p.  J fell asleep sitting in my lap and poor D had the roughest night.  He wasn't able to breathe, so couldn't nurse, and was very unhappy about that. 

(9/27)  D sounded better and J sounded worse this morning.  Hopefully they work through this soon. I hate it when they're sick!

Dad had the plumbers out to deal with a leak and now it's a whole lot worse and they don't know exactly where it is... joy!

(9/28) Took today off to deal with the plumbing issue.  The kids went to Kathy's like usual, while a whole lot of nothing happened with the plumbing. I was able to pick them up early and spend the afternoon/evening with them at least though! 

(9/29) Round 3 of plumbing.  We spent today mostly upstairs since they had sprayed downstairs.  We have no stove and no microwave at the moment, so it looks like we're going out to dinner!

We did manage to escape to the park for a little bit between appointments. Sarah and I each had a twin and a little girl asked if they were brothers.  Sarah said, "Yes, they're twins."  The girl looked puzzled and then asked why there were two of us.   

(9/30) Dad had to work an afternoon shift today, and I was off at a run so Nanan watched the kids. Since I still don't have a stove or microwave, we had waffles for dinner.  Whatever works!

(10/1) Happy Monday!  Round 4 of plumbing commences this morning and I'll be on vacation as of tomorrow to finish dealing with the rest of it.  Blah.

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