Monday, October 8, 2012

October 2nd-8th

(10/2) I'm on "vacation" this week.  In quotes, because dealing with home repairs is about as far from relaxing as it gets.  But we're making the best of it.

In twin news: D has a new tooth!  He's now at 7 and J is at 8.  Both boys (and me too, unfortunately) are very snotty.  Lovely. 

D is VERY chatty lately - all forms of "daDADAdaDADADA" are happening. Both are really solid with standing and they're getting pretty good at maneuvering the walker too. 

(10/3) The contractor was out this morning.  Hopefully we can get our house put back together here soon! 

A look inside my night ~ How to give the twins a bath:

1. Wait for them to smear avocado and macaroni salad liberally over themselves.
2. Put D in the bathroom facing the toy bin.
3. Clean up J and take him in the bathroom and find D splashing in the toilet.
4. Pry D away from toilet and begin to undress him. Catch J's heels as he dives into bath.
5. Get both into bath. Take away the open shampoo bottle that J has just emptied into the tub.
6. Dry them off one at a time. Race D to a piece of mac salad that has fallen on the floor.
7. Get jammies on and collapse.

(10/4) Today, they sprayed for mold and kicked us out of our house for a few hours.  It is *stinky* in here!  I've opened all the windows in an effort to clear the air.  We dropped the babies with Kathy for a bit while C was in school and sneaked out to have a rare lunch together.  That was nice, although we quickly ran out of things to talk about.

(10/5) Oh, thank heavens, the fans and the dehumidifiers are gone!  I can actually hear myself think!  AND I have a stove!  Yay!  To celebrate, I made mac & cheese.

(10/6) Today, we went to the birthday party of one of C's friends from preschool.  Layla's (birthday girl!) little sister, Marley, is about 10 months and is taller than my boys.  They all had a great time exchanging toys, pointing at each other and chatting in their little baby voices.  My boys got passed around a bit until D got tired and just wanted Mom. He reached his breaking point after a few hours and I loaded them up in the car and went back in for C.  By the time I returned, they were both sacked out.

(10/7) Nanan and I went to the bridal shower for the twin's new auntie-to-be today.  Once we got back, the twins got to go shopping with us.  Dad said they slept for 3 hours while we were gone, so they were pretty content to hang in the stroller while we shopped. The boys were full of beans tonight and were happy and giggly.  So fun!

(10/8) "Vacation" is over and I am happily back at work. Rather, I'm happy to hand off dealing with the house to Dad for a day. 

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