Monday, June 10, 2013

June 4th-10th

(6/4)  Home early from work since it seems we passed the sickies on to Kathy and Bridger.  The boys and I took advantage of the nice weather and extra afternoon hours to pull out the little pool and play outside tonight.

(6/5) Lovely day home with the kiddos.  We hit the park this morning, and the littles took a nap while C was at school.  After he came home we spent some time out in the pool, sandbox, and play house.

(6/6) Boys were home with Dad today.  J has been running a fever.  Sigh.  Poor bug, I hate it when they're sick!

(6/7) Poor J is still down with a fever.  It was so high this morning, that I decided to call in sick and stay home. Luckily Dad was home until after I had retrieved C from school, so I was able to put the twins down and they napped as long as they wanted.  J slept for a good 2.5 hrs, but woke with a fever again, and it spiked really high after another cat nap this afternoon.  We'll probably head to the doctor tomorrow, if this keeps up.  D has been an eating machine this week.  I think he's making up for being sick last week.  He happily ate all of J's dinner and then was chirping for more shortly after.

(6/8) J's temp has been holding steady this morning around 99°.  We watched some PBS and that seemed to keep him pretty content.  We then went to C's swim lesson, and then C headed out camping with some friends.  We'll be rebuilding our deck tomorrow, so it will be nice to have him out doing something fun.  The twins and I had a quiet evening at home, and I got the TV all to myself this evening for once.  Nice!

(6/9) Got up early and made the demolition crew breakfast.  J was up first and D didn't wake until the crew came and was pretty much done.  J then needed second breakfast.  I guess he's making up for not having much of an appetite the last couple of days now that he's feeling better.   The guys got the deck torn down and we'll slowly be building a smaller section with stairs that go down to the back yard.  We also removed the dog kennel and it has really opened up the back.  We'll just need to bring in something to level out all the trenches the dogs have dug over the years.  The littles amazingly slept through most of the demo that occurred right below their window.  They sure have been entertained by all the activity around here this afternoon, but have been frustrated that we won't let them outside.

(6/10)  Back to work with me today.  Granddad is coming to haul away all the old wood, and Dad has the littles.  Marc and Rob are coming up this evening to continue working on the deck.  I can't wait til it's finished!

J & C