Monday, June 17, 2013

Twenty Months

(6/11) Closing in on the big *2*! Twenty months today! It was a work day for Dad & me, and Kathy had the kids. Dad wasn't feeling so hot tonight, so picked up the kids early and met me at home with them after work.  I made tacos, and the twins both consumed a burrito each.  D, of course, unrolled his and ate his from the inside out.  J kept his together.

(6/12) Lazy morning.  I was all set to spend the day in jammies when C asked if I was volunteering in his class that day.  Whoops!  With five minutes to spare, I was dressed and ready to go.  Nanan came to watch the boys.  D is in a big-time mommy phase and screams whenever anyone comes over or when I leave the room.  Today was no different, and I left Nanan with two sobbing boys.  I came home to happy boys though, and we had a fun evening with Nanan.

(6/13) Had today off of work and Granddad came over to help haul a couple of loads of fill dirt and mulch over to repair the trenches the dogs dug.  We spent the morning doing that, and Dad ran C to school.  When we were all through, there was still time to collapse on the couch for a little bit before the twins woke up and it was time to go get C.  We went out to sushi tonight and the waitress commented on the twins, "Oh, look!  You're all cute and messy!"   LOL ~ we always leave a big tip when we go... because yeah, they're messy.  Both kids like sushi though.  D devoured a couple of New York rolls (California rolls, essentially, with tuna and salmon).  He discarded the tuna, but loved the salmon!

(6/14) Work day for Dad & me, and C's second-to-last day at school.  Dad dropped the littles at Kathy's and C at school.  I picked them all up after work and scurried home to make dinner.  Grandma & Granddad came to watch the twins so C and I could go see the Magic Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle.  I had fed the kids ravioli, which left them and my house rather a disaster.  I came home to a sparkling house and sound asleep twins.  Maybe I can make this a weekly thing? LOL!  Thanks Dad & Lori!!

(6/15)  Granddad and Grandma invited us out sailing today! The littles punched all the buttons, turned on the auto pilot, and J tried to steal the keys I don't know how many times.  I tried to coax them into taking a nap, but D wasn't having anything to do with that.  Too much to see!  Consequently, he was asleep before we even pulled out of the marina when we left. The kids did a great job, had lunch and snacks aboard, and I'm very much looking forward to taking them again!  After the trip on the boat, we went over to Sarah's mom's house for Desy's graduation party.  The water feature was a big hit (bucket of ice keeping water bottles cold) and the boys would plunge their hands in, then run to me to warm them up.  I got a little concerned about them getting a bit too cold/wet, so was a mean mom and tried to distract them with swings.  No dice.  Sarah eventually dumped the bucket out on the lawn and J spent the next hour carrying the ice, piece by piece, back over to the bucket.  An empty container of bubbles that he could take the lid off and put back on was a huge hit as well.  D was *WIRED* due to such a short nap and because I gave him lemonade.  He would run over to the dog, bury his face or plop down on her, get covered in fur and squeal when I picked him up.  Then he'd run away from me cackling.  I finally put them down close to their bedtime so I could sit down and chat with my friends for a bit.  Poor boys sobbed intermittently for about two hours before finally going down for good.

(6/16) Happy Father's Day to the best daddy!  We love you!  C and I scooted out for donuts from Frost and discovered a Dad-must-have: a Butterfinger donut!  Fed the dad, and then Rob & Marc came over to work on the deck.  I whipped up some spicy eggs (deviled eggs) and we went over to Granddad's for dinner.  What a lovely day!

(6/17) Off to work with me today and the boys are with their dad.  This is the second-to-the-last hockey practice of summer for C, and the littles and I will get some QT before bed while the big boys are away.

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