Monday, June 3, 2013

May 28th-June 3rd

Sick D
(5/28) Work day for Dad & me.  D ran a fever yesterday, and it was a rough night wherein I was up pretty much every hour.  He was feeling better by the morning and went to Kathy's like normal, but when he woke up from nap, he had spiked another fever, so I knocked off a little early and went to go get him.  I left in such a hurry that I didn't grab the baby ibuprofen and didn't discover that I didn't have it until after the kids were in bed.  I had to haul them to the store at bedtime, but was so frazzled that I grabbed some bubblegum flavored stuff instead of the dye-free stuff.  D was up buzzing around until after 10:30pm.  But he slept solidly all through the night.  Way to go me. We have not one, not two, but FIVE bottles of Children's analgesic now.  Two in the medicine cabinet that I totally did not see, the one I bought tonight, the one Dad bought tonight, and the one that we had left at Kathy's.

(5/29)  Little man up with a fever again.  We went to the Dr. and he has an ear infection.   So he's on a round of antibiotics.  I also discovered he has molars coming in on that side too.  Double the fun.  The points are through, so hopefully it won't be too much longer.  We had a lazy day today, napping while C was in school.  J ran a fever this evening and went to bed early.  I sure hope everyone feels better soon!

(5/30) J is totally fine and D had a fever again when I checked at 5a.  I gave him some ibuprofen and left for my run and work.  Dad said he was fine all day, but he looked feverish when I returned. More ibuprofen.

What happens when you ask where his
belly is.
Someone is finally feeling
(5/31)  Dad went to work later today, and D was feeling fine when he went to Kathy's.  He took a looong nap, but woke with another fever. Sigh. Brought him home in just a diaper, but he started talking and perking up, and was back to his happy self within the hour.  We're going back to the doctor if this doesn't clear up soon!

(6/1) Yay!  No fever for D!  Grandma came to watch everybody today so I could go out and run a marathon.  There was a fun fair at Forest Park, where C takes swim lessons, so they got to go to that too.  Spoiled boys!  C & I scored sundaes from DQ too (best treat ever to come home to!)!  D didn't have a fever all day, ate great, and seems to be back to normal.  Thank goodness!  Once I got home, we played in the sandbox, had some dinner and the boys watched Care Bears with C for a little while before bed.  What a lovely day!

(6/2) Lazy day at home. We had a nice breakfast together and did our normal Sunday things.  C had a birthday party to go to this afternoon and Dad watched the twosome.

This week, both J and D have started slapping their heads and saying "OW!" ~ this started because J bonked his head and I said "ow," so now J thinks that's what you say, and D copies.  J is signing 'water' and 'more' like a champ, and D every now and then will sign, but prefers to just motion at whatever he wants.  Both boys are climbing the stairs while holding on to the wall or the railing, and going all the way up.

(6/3) Back to work for me, and the boys are with their dad.

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