Monday, July 22, 2013

July 16th-22nd

(7/16) Poor J-monkey has a nasty double ear infection and is on a 10 day course of antibiotics.  I took yesterday off after being up most of Sunday night with him.  He was back to feeling better today, so the boys all went to Kathy's like normal and Dad & I went to work.  Tuesdays fly by after we get home, and before I knew it, it was bedtime.

(7/17) Busy day today.  We kicked today off with a dentist appointment for C.  The twins were great for about a half hour in the stroller.  They played with my phone and iPod and had some snack.  Then I had the brilliant idea to let them out to play with toys... which resulted in them going different directions, and in places they weren't supposed to go.  I put them back in the stroller to walk the hall.  I stopped at the drinking fountains and they had the best time pressing the buttons and learning how to get a drink, oh and standing at the top of the stairs to test out how the building echoed.   Then we ran home for lunch and nap.  After nap, it was time for C's swim lesson, so we got back in the car and headed over.  We stopped at the park on the way home and C became suddenly shy when a huge group of kids came out.  It was about dinner time anyway, so we headed home.

(7/18)  Today was the boys' day with their dad.  The guys got the spindles on the deck, and it is now complete!  (Save for sanding/staining)  I was exhausted, so after dinner and getting the littles to bed, I passed out for a bit and went to bed early.  Wow, I'm exciting.

(7/19)  Dad's schedule starts a little earlier now, so the boys went to Kathy's an hour earlier than normal.  She said they had a good day - they got to play at the park and took monster naps.  D was woken up about 5 minutes before I got there.  C requested tacos again tonight, and because the twins eat them from the inside out, they were covered.  Yaaay.

(7/20) I headed out for a long run with Sarah before the boys woke, and came home to scones.  Yum!  C went fishing with a friend, and was already gone before I got home.  After Dad left, it was just the little guys and me, which was just fine with me!  We had a lazy morning, a nap, and then ran to the grocery store for a few dinner ingredients. Of course, in the 10 minutes we were gone, the friends attempted to drop off C.  We got that all sorted, and he was dropped off just as dinner was coming out of the oven. After dinner, we watched some Care Bears (C's pick) and then had stories and bedtime.

I'm really impressed with the twins' understanding of things now.  When you ask D a question, he nods his head if that's what he wants.  And I said he could just leave the door open, and he did.  He has a big fascination with doors as of late and tells me when I leave any cupboards open.  J is now saying 'more' and 'water' as well as signing.  Lots of babble from both.  I love this age!

D tucked in J today, very nicely with his teddy bear blanket-rattle thing.  He said "nigh-nigh," patted him, and then did it again.  The third time, he shouted "NIGH-NIGH!" and slammed the blanket down.  LOL!   He later tucked himself in by putting it over his lap, said "nigh-nigh," and popped his thumb in.

(7/21) The little boys slept until 9 this morning and after breakfast, we headed out for a walk with Sarah, Aly, & Jamie.  We hit Starbucks on the way (of course!) and I actually got to sit and enjoy their company while the boys played.  We stayed until lunch time, came home had lunch and a long nap.  This afternoon, we headed outside to play in the back yard.  I read my book while the boys went in and out of the play house, splashed in Shrek's water and played with other toys out there.  When I imagined summer, this was it.  Great day!  We had a nice dinner together and more playtime this evening.

(7/22) Monday again.  I am back at work, and the boys are with their dad.

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