Monday, July 29, 2013

July 23rd-29th

(7/23) Today was a work day for Dad & me, and the boys went to Kathy's for the afternoon. There were epic naps again, and everyone was full of beans when we got home.  Of course.  I tried to keep them up later, but they were both yelling "NIGH-NIGH!" so I took them upstairs, only to have them stay awake up there for another two hours.  Sigh.

(7/24) I was off today, and Nanan came this afternoon and arrived in time to take C to his last swim class of the session.  That was lovely, and I took the opportunity to read about 5 words of my book and then passed out.  After she returned, and the little boys woke up, we went out and played in the pool.  We played until D turned blue and it was getting chilly out.  We went in for dinner and Nanan played a game with all the boys on the couch.  Well, the littles "helped."  Nanan and I got to sit and visit after the kiddos went to bed.  It's not often that we get uninterrupted time to chat.

(7/25)  I took today off, and Sarah offered to watch the littles while we took C to see Despicable Me 2.  Such a cute movie!  I dropped the little boys, and snuck out when D wasn't looking.  She said D burst into tears when he discovered I wasn't there.   But he eventually settled in to play and then when everybody woke up from afternoon nap, we had returned and it was time to play in the pool!  C stayed for a sleep-over and the littles and I went home for dinner with Dad.

(7/26)  Work day for Dad & me again, and this time the boys went to Sarah's.  Nana (Sarah's mom) took C and Jor to the Reptile Museum and the littles stayed to play at Sarah's.  Sarah said they had the best time in the empty pool.  Cheap entertainment!  They went swimming later and between them, probably logged about 4 hours of pool time.  They were tiiiiiired when they got home!

(7/27)  Sarah & I got up early to run to the Arboretum and back before the boys got up (15 miles total).  We returned just after breakfast.  I don't know if I was just tired or if C was, or what, but C was a *bear* and today quickly turned into a no-good-horrible-very-bad day. Let's just say that I was more than ready to hang up the mothering hat by the time bedtime rolled around.  I sincerely hope tomorrow will be better.

(7/28)  Ahh, much better day.  C was a bit frustrated that his actions yesterday resulted in no screen time today, but has been in a better mood.  Nanan is coming to get him this afternoon for a sleepover until Tuesday. That will be fun for him!  Dad was home today, but had to run some errands this morning.  The littles and I had a very lazy day.  We played inside this morning, took a nap, and then headed outside after afternoon snack to play in the pool again (reoccurring theme this week).   I read my book, the boys got soaked, and we all had a great time.  We headed in for dinner, a hose-down (because...yeah, they're messy!), and bed.

(7/29) Happy Anniversary to Dad & me!  12 years married, and 17 together.  I am working today, but will be off the rest of the week on vacation.  The littles are home with Dad today and it should be another lovely day.

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