Monday, September 16, 2013

Twenty-three Months

(9/10) Work day for Dad & me.  We were invited for dinner at Sarah's house, so after I picked up the kids from Kathy's, we headed over there.  We had a great dinner and followed it up with a nice walk, though the bigs were getting awfully silly.  We got home so late that I didn't go through our normal bedtime routine, and J just lost it.  He cried and cried and even though I went back and did our normal bedtime gig, it was too late. He cried a bit longer after I had redone bedtime and finally conked.  Poor bubba.

(9/11) My mom (Nanan) is having hip surgery today, so I met with Mom, Jake, & Amber at o'dark-thirty and stayed through her surgery, but had to come back home when Dad needed to leave for work.  I promised to come back the next day, and it was really nice to have an uninterrupted breakfast with Jake & Amber while we were waiting for the doctor to come out and see us. The littles and I were charged with fetching Zoe (Nanan's dog), so we headed up there after I got home.  We stopped at the park on the way, grabbed the dog, and then stopped at Starbucks on the way home. I grabbed a juice box for the boys to share. Yes, just one. *Gasp*  I had one cold cup, so I emptied the juice box in and diluted it down with some water and handed it to D.  J signed water and yelled "NING NING NING!" (sharing).  After giving D a drink, I passed it to J and then D took over yelling "NING NING NING!" and motioning for J to "gimme."  This went on for about 10 minutes before I determined they both had had enough and put it away. The boys each took a shortish car nap (J on the way to and D on the way home).  We had time for a short snack/play session before piling back in the car to get C.  I made lasagna today for dinner and D had *3* helpings.  I think he's growing.  He feels much heavier than J lately.

(9/12)  I had the day off from work, so after running this morning, and C went to school, Sarah & I took the littles to the park.  After the park, I brought them home to hang with Dad, and then I went to visit Nanan.  She is doing great and they are predicting she can go home tomorrow.  Wow!  We had a lovely visit, and I got home just after it was time to pick C up from school, so Dad ended up waking the twins and hauling them with him.  He said they were most unimpressed to be rudely woken up. Sorry. We headed out for dinner shortly after they got home, and went to our favorite, Sushi Spott.  D cheered when we drove up, and J marched right up to the door and then back to our normal table, and pulled a chair out for himself.  They are big fans of sushi!

(9/13) Work day for Dad & me, and the kiddos went to Kathy's.  During dinner prep today, D grabbed the bottle of Liquid Smoke from the fridge and threw it, sheering the top of the lid off and spilling it *everywhere.*  Ugh.. so stinky!

(9/14) Today was misty and cool, so we opted to hang around the house this morning after I got home.  C really wanted to ride his bike (sans training wheels!), and he practiced for a good hour outside the window, where I could peek out at him. After nap, we headed over to Sarah's for dinner.  D whacked two big pieces of pizza on his own, and J just nibbled at his.  The big boys were a disaster (behavior-wise), so plans were nixed for a sleep over and we all came back home and C & I watched a movie after the littles went to bed.  The littles had a great time this evening - they played in the dog crate, petted the kitties (D insists that they're puppies), and J worked on buckling the straps of the car seats.  

(9/15) Low-key day today.  Dad and C were supposed to go out and play laser tag, but after picking up some friends and driving allll the way up to it, it turned out the voucher was only good by appointment only.  Disappointing!  The littles and I had a quiet morning back at home.  D kept showing us the "PUPPY PUPPY PUPPY" on the latch puzzle, and yelling "OBEY" at all the doors on the barn when he opened them.  So funny.  He is so serious and so insistent.  The kitties on the puzzle were sometimes "puppy" and sometimes "mew-mew" and the horse says "hehehehe" according to J.  I taught the twins knuckles, and then blow it up, so when the thunder started up this evening, D kept running over with his fist yelling "BOOM BOOM!"

(9/16) Monday... I am at work today, and the boys are with Dad.

Remembering my nephew today (he passed at two years of age in 2009), and sending love to his family.  Watching the twins gives me fond flashbacks to two little blond boys pulling on each other and stealing the other's snacks.  He would have been the best big brother; I know that. 

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