Monday, February 17, 2014

February 11th-17th

(2/11) Work day for Dad and me and Kathy had the kiddos.  I made burritos tonight and the boys didn't seem have a fill line.  There was barely enough for Dad to have one sad taco.  But what cracked me up, was when they asked for more beans.  It sounded like "BRAAAAINS."  My little zombies...  The spare McQueen arrived today, and J was a very happy boy.  I say spare McQueen because we thought we had lost one and then of course once I had ordered a replacement, the old one turned up.  J had both his McQueens and his McQueen book and was full of "McQueen! McQueen! McQueen!" ~ so cute.

(2/12) Work day for Dad and I was off with the kids.  Nanan came to watch the littles so I could volunteer in C's classroom.  I worked with another mom to help the kids weave hearts for Valentine's day.  I wish I could go to the his class' party on Friday, but I was glad to get to do some crafts with them at least.  After working in his room, I hit the gym and then came home to visit a bit with Nanan.  After she left, we left to grab C.  Dad gave C an umbrella today because it was so gross out, so after we got home, C went back outside to play with it for a good 15 minutes.  My children are easily entertained.

(2/13) Work day for me and Dad had the kids.  Came home to a nice dinner and got to spend the evening watching TV with Dad.

(2/14) Work day for Dad and me.  I was cut loose early, so I took the time to go sofa shopping.  We found a pretty good deal on a sectional sofa, but needed to go test out its sturdiness.  We got our current couch about 13 years ago, and furniture in this house has to withstand daily cannonballs, couch forts, etc.  The sectional has *attached* cushions and seemed sturdy enough.  It arrives Weds.  I got the kids some vinyl stickers for Valentine's day.  Some heart window clings for C (since he already has stickers), glow-in-the-dark stars and moons for D and McQueen for J (of course!).  Their room is super-stickered now. But it was fun, and harmless.  Works for me!

(2/15) No hockey today, so we stayed in our jammies late. The littles discovered the window clings. J tried to eat them, and D was so excited about "HEARTS!"  He relocated them so many times that they don't really stick any more. Meh, that was cheap fun!  I decided to tackle painting the spare bedroom during nap.  Grandma called while I was painting and invited us to dinner, and I decided that sounded much better than cooking.  They've been on vacation all month, so it was good to see them! Had a great dinner and visit, came home and got the boys all in bed, and then went back up to take down all the tape and put the room back together.  I think I'm done painting for a good, long while!

(2/16) Chill day today.  We spent a lazy morning bumming around the house and then I finally got going and put all the paint supplies back out in the shed and scooped the yard. I, uh, can tell that I haven't been doing a good job keeping the crayons away from the dogs. C and Dad went to go see the Lego Movie and the littles and I fixed up the penne we had planned for last night's dinner and had yummy lunch.  After the boys went down for their nap, I had a nice quiet house for a while.  Perfect time to read!  This afternoon, some friends came to pick up our old couch.  The guys ended up taking apart the door frame just to get it out.  Makes me nervous for Wednesday.  I hope they can get our new couch *in*.   C and the littles made their own couch out of papasan chairs and a beanbag for the interim.  Whatever works, right?

(2/17) Day off for all of us today!  Happy Presidents' Day!  Another epic day of laziness sounds lovely.

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