Monday, February 24, 2014

February 18th-24th

Awesome hair
Helping Granddad with his iPad
(2/18) Work day for Dad and me and Kathy had the kiddos.  C had the day off today, and managed to earn himself some extra screen time by reading for 45 minutes (!!!).  It was so gross out, I figured that would come in handy at Kathy's.  She said everyone had a great day, and the big boys actually ventured out when there was a break in the rain for a bit that afternoon.

Watching Cars...and he still can't look
Serious McQueen watching
(2/19) Day "off" for me and work day for Dad. Nanan came to watch the twinsies so I could work in C's classroom and then run to a dentist appointment.  After I picked up C, I got a call that our couch was on it's way.  Unfortuantely, it was too wide to come through our front door, our garage or any of our interior doors.  They ended up muscling it up through the second story slider!  I'm so grateful they got it in.  Got the feet on it, and then brought the littles down. It's like Nascar in here now, with the littles running back and forth.  C likes to bury himself in the pillows and then explode when the boys come near, and D likes to throw the pillows on the floor and then walk off the side. Silly boys!  I love my new couch!!

 (2/20) Work day for me and Dad had the kiddos.  Had a quick evening packed with cuddles from the kids and then I settled in to read my book and promptly fell asleep.  Luckily, Dad woke me up for our show and then I went to bed for good.  Pre-bed nap.  Good stuff.

(2/21) Work day for Dad and me, and Kathy had the kids.  C was a total grouch all night, because he doesn't have any good toys at all.  Funnily enough, he didn't want me to throw all the rest of his unappreciated toys away.  Long story short, he wants a BeyBlade (a pair of tops, essentially) and can't get one for the next few weeks until he has enough allowance.  But until then, we get to hear how cool they are, and how much he wants one, and how awful it is to be him and not have one, etc.  He calmed down once we made tacos and I stuffed the kids' hollow legs full and then put everyone to bed.

(2/22) Pretty morning ~ snowed lightly and was fun to run in.  Dad worked today, and left when we all did to head to hockey.  Practice went great.  I let the little boys run down the hallway up by the offices, like I always do, and D figured out he could reach the lights....for all of the bleachers.  I didn't realize that's what he was doing until I looked out and the lights were blinking on and off for HALF the building.  Whoops!  There goes that location for a safe place to corral them.  Oh wells!  After they decided to no longer run in the same direction, I packed them back up in the stroller for the rest of practice.  We stopped at the store on the way home for some stuff for dinner, and as we were walking back to the bakery, D looks at all the wine bottles and says "COFFEE!"  LOL, not quite dude.  Got home, got the littles in bed, got dinner in the crockpot and then crashed myself.  C played Life by himself, and watched some Iron Man. Once the littles got up, we had dinner and bath, and then it was bedtime.  C and I watched some movies and called it a night ourselves.  Fun day!

D has coffee too!
(2/23) Ahhh, day of laziness.  Got the boys up and made them breakfast. J ate *three* bowls of granola and yogurt.  He kept saying he was not done every time I went over to wash his hands. The littles and I stayed home in our jammies while Dad and C left to go to C's game.  C scored *6* goals today!  Holy cow!  I had just put the littles down for nap when the big boys got home.  C entertained himself this afternoon by playing Life (against me... while I was reading and not paying attention).  He won, oddly enough.  Dad and C went to see the Silvertips tonight, and Grandma & Granddad came to watch the twinsies so I could go out with my book club peeps to dinner and then to see the author of Where'd You Go, Bernadette. Maria Semple was a very engaging & funny speaker, and I enjoyed the book too.  Looks like the littles had a whole lot of fun while I was gone.  The Tips lost in a shootout, but Dad & C had a good time anyway.

(2/24) Work day for me and Dad has the kids.

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