Monday, February 10, 2014

February 4th-10th

(2/4) Blaaaaaah, sick!  I went to sleep at 9pm and slept solidly until 7a, with one brief wake-up to come to the immediate conclusion that work wasn't going to happen today.  J had a 100* fever last night, but seems to be all better.  I, on the other hand, feel like I was run over by a bus.  I did manage to de-wallpaper C's old room, move/construct all the furniture and hang the mirror.  Looks good in there! I just want to do a little paint touch-up... though I do not have any of the original color.  I'll either have to go get a new can or use some of the stuff out in the shed and repaint the room.  Just depends on how lazy I am when it finally comes time to do this.

(2/5) Such a nice big brother.  I slept in this morning, and C stayed up in his room and played with his brothers until we got up.  He said he came down, but they got sad, so he went back.  Aww!   I volunteered later this morning in C's classroom.  It was the day of the Seahawks parade, so there were only 16 kiddos in his class today.  We whizzed through some projects and got the kids' Chinese New Year dragons ready for the celebration later in the day, and I did some reading with some other kids.  Came home and took the littles to the park, in balmy 24° weather.  We made it about 20 minutes and then called it.  Came home for lunch and nap.  The littles were out the minute I put them down and I had to wake them to go get C from school.  We came home for about 20 minutes and then I took them all with me to the doctor for a TB test (one of the last bits required for becoming licensed).  I bribed the big one with my iPod if he behaved, and took the kid tablet and Tag Reader & McQueen book with me.  Loud toys, but they behaved!  Came home, made dinner and did bath and bedtime.  C went up for bed at 8p, and the littles were already out and didn't wake up.  Yes!

(2/6) Work day for me & Dad had the kiddos.  The evening is always a blur when I get home, but I look forward to happy little people when I get home, bedtime and some TV/veg time with the hubs.

(2/7) Work day for Mom & Dad and Kathy had the kids. C never wants to come home, but at least the little boys are jumping up and down when I get there, and seem pleased to see me.  We had pizza tonight (yum!), and the boys whacked an entire big can of pineapple pieces. I was so exhausted tonight that as soon as I stopped hearing the boys rattling around upstairs, I was down for the count.

(2/8)  Nanan came down today to watch the kiddos so we could go in for CPR/first aid training.  It's been a LONG time, so it was good to have a refresher.  Plus? I now have the # for WA Poison Control memorized.  1-800-222-1222.  You're welcome. After Nanan left, I got inspired to paint the upstairs bathroom.  I painted it a few years ago and we went from white to a periwinkle color.  The bathroom is huge, so I was thinking a darker color would help cozy it up, but it was too dark.  I had tried to lighten it up by hanging a big mirror, and that was a fail.  I've repainted it "seabreeze mist" - which is a very light blue-green.  Same color as the downstairs bathroom, so that'll make touch-ups easier, etc.  I got about half way through, and since I was going from a darker color to a lighter, of course I ran out of paint.  Harrumph.  C hollered during this process that it was snowing.  Sure enough!  We got about 2".  So pretty!  I just wish Dad didn't have to drive in it still, since he doesn't leave work until 11pm.

(2/9) Love lazy Sundays.  I cooked the gang a big breakfast and then C headed out to sled down the hill out front with the one of the neighborhood kids.  After he got bored with that, it was screen time and then hockey time for C.  4 goals today!  So impressed!  The littles and I stayed home and did some exciting things like cleaning and reading.  I thought about taking them outside to play in the snow, but I don't think I have two pairs of snow pants for them.  The littles went down and C played Monopoly against himself (he won too!) and I went to the gym with Sarah.  After I got home, I ran out to drop more stuff off at the Goodwill and to get more paint.  Finished up the bathroom after I got home and have it mostly all put back together.  Just need to hang the big mirror. We had dinner, put the littles to bed, and I went up no less than 5 bajillion times to holler at the three of them to settle and go to sleep.

(2/10) Work day for Mama and Dad has the kiddos.

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