Monday, October 26, 2015

Big Hair, Don't Care

Me: Here, why don't you color. It'll help you behave.
D: I am being-have!

C: You can now all call me the ancient ninja of the year!

Me: Oh good, I totally wanted to put this away for you!
C: I'm just too awesome.
So glad my children are all so humble.

D: Mama, you need a haircut.
Me: I do?
D: Yeah, your hair is big.

D: Is that your black tutu?
Me: Yep, it's my tutu. (aka a dress)
D: I like your tutu!
Me: I like my tutu too!

J (sobbing): I not the bad guy; I the JJ!

C: Dear Japan, please start making jet packs. I'm tired of walking.

(10/20) Work day for us adults and school for the boys. I managed to sprain my ankle yesterday by walking, because I'm talented like that. I ended up home with the boys for a quiet evening in instead of trying to hobble around the gym. Sorry excuse, but it is what it is.

(10/21) Preschool this morning for the littles. It's really fun to peek in on them doing their own thing. J built a tower and was totally engrossed in construction, when next to him was a whole gaggle of girls in princess dresses dancing around. D kind of floats from room to room checking things out, and playing here and there. I got out the playdoh after we got home and they went to town, while also making a huge mess. Fun for all of us! Well, maybe not for me so much with the clean-up.

(10/22) Work day for me, and Dad had the boys. The boys had a pretty low-key day. I popped home briefly for a quick goodbye before heading out again. Thursdays are a blur.

(10/23) Work day (from home) for me, and Dad had the kiddos. I'm telling you, the commute is a real bear on Fridays. I had book club this evening, and to the surprise of everyone, we discussed the actual book this time. So fun!

(10/24) Hockey this morning for the littles, and C is still on the bench until he's cleared again to play. D is doing awesome, and started making some real progress standing on the ice, and taking some baby steps. J just becomes a noodle when he is picked up. Cracks me up! After hockey, we went home for lunch, and some well-earned time with Mario.

(10/25) Work day for Dad, and the rest of us bummed around in our jammies. C got out all our old Halloween costumes and the boys had a ball playing. J is in love with the Spider-Man costume and even wanted to sleep in it. So freakin' cute!

(10/26) Fun day today! I took the day off work to attend the littles' field trip to the pumpkin patch with their preschool. Nanan came along to help with twin wrangling. We went to lunch afterward and came home for a little bit of video games before the kiddos donned their costumes again, and tore up the house.

J doing ice angels in foreground; D in orange starting to skate!

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