Monday, October 5, 2015

Through the Looking Glass

J (looking in a mirror): Look! It's a look and see me!

D: Can we have a snack?
Me: Nooo, it's too early.  At the 10.
D: It is at the 10!
... sure enough, the clock had stopped at 10.

Me: Look, C is the #3 guy!
J: I need to be 4, a-cuz I am 4!

D: We don't want to play hockey.  The ice is too slippery!
I hope it's slippery... it's ice!

(9/29)  Work day for Dad and me, and school for the boys.  I hit the gym after work and got home in time to put the littles to bed.  At least I get to see them for a little bit in the mornings.  The things they say when they're not quite awake keep me laughing all day.  And it cracks me up when J just grabs his blanket and melts into the floor.  He's even the morning kid!

(9/30) Today was my day off and I worked at the preschool during the twins' class.  They are loving it and I'm really pleased at their successes so far. They both go and do their own thing and don't cling to me.  It's fun to observe them from afar.

Boys at preschool
J singing
(10/1) Work day for me, and Dad had all the boys today. He got to take the whole herd to C's practice this afternoon.  I got home shortly before them tonight and pretty much said hi and put the littles to bed.

(10/2) Work day for me, and Dad had the kiddos.  He had to run the truck in to have an oil pressure issue looked at.  I was working downstairs just hoping the littles weren't killing each other. J nailed D right under the eye yesterday, and he has a pretty gnarly scratch.  They don't know what happened, but said it was an "axle-dent." Boys...  I'm going to make them always wear "armor."

(10/3) All the boys had hockey this morning.  C had a scrimmage and is looking smashing in blue, if I do say so.  Dad said he is playing great defense this season.  I brought the littles for their ice time later in the morning.  No crying today, and both willingly got on the ice!  I told them they could play video games after practice, so they did come off a time or two all ready to play. Had to send them back out saying practice wasn't over yet. J made an attempt to stand, and their coach says she'll give them a sticker if they stand on their own next practice.  After that, it was home for soup and grilled cheese sammiches.  And we had a sitter come for the evening so we could go out.

(10/4) Today we did nothing, and it was awesome.  Well, Dad had to work... but the rest of us stayed in our jammies all day.  I did make us all go outside for a few hours because boots and jammie pants are a look.  Got the yard all cleaned up while the boys played and went on pretend camping adventures in the shed.

(10/5) Happy Monday.  School for the boys and work for the parentals on tap today. The littles protested waking up big-time today, saying it was too dark and early.  Yeah, I know... I know... Zzz

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