Monday, October 19, 2015

Pumpkin Spice

Me: Sorry, I have to work today and can't come to preschool.
D: And Mom? I'm not proud at you.

Me: Wow, good job!
J: No, it's just excellent!

D: I was just worrous. (worried/nervous)

Me: Do you want to help me by doing something I normally say no to?

D: Everything is awesome! .....DOT COM!

D: C needs a check-up! every nurse and doctor in the office 

D: And Mom? Mom? Mom? Mom?
Me: D? D? D? D?
D: Mom, stop talking about D!

Me: You're lucky you boogers are so cute.
D: No! My boogers are in my nose.

D: Daddy, the hands need to go faster!
(on the clock, so his turn with the DS would arrive)

J (petting Dad's knee): I just niced you.

D: We don't like to be quiet apparently.
Apparently not.... Funny, C used to use the word apparently too.  

(10/13) Work day for Dad and me, and school for the boys.  C went to the nurse's office feeling puny early on in the day.  After going home and sleeping, he was full of beans by the time I got home in the evening.  Hopefully that's the end of that!  

(10/14) Work day for Dad, and I had the boys today. C was feeling great, so I sent him off to school and the littles and I headed for preschool.  I got a call from C's school an hour later that he was feeling dizzy and was in the nurse's office again.  I ran him in for a suspected concussion.  We may not have seen it, but he does recall getting hit on the head during Saturday's game.  Doc says no hockey until he's five days head pain free.  I bribed the littles with video games for good behavior at the doctor's, and later we all went for sushi.  Because magical healing powers.  Dad ran C in for an eye exam later this evening, and in addition to getting his bell wrung, his script has significantly changed for the worse, and now he must wear his glasses full-time. 

(10/15) Work day for me and Dad had the boys.  C woke up feeling miserable again today, but perked up around lunchtime.  We went ahead and kept him home from school.  Poor bubba... hope he's feeling better soon.  

(10/16) Work day (from home) for me, and Dad had the kiddos.  C made it back through school today.  He attended a play at the Children's Theatre tonight with Nanan.  He got a little queasy in the car on the way, but made it through the rest of the evening okay, and got to spend the night at her house.  Fun for both of them!

(10/17) The littles had hockey this morning.  J was pretty done about half way through, but D made some progress and stood up, earning himself a sticker.  We went for lunch at B-dubs and the littles got to play video games for a good hockey effort.  And we even had enough leftovers for C to have when he got home from Nanan's.  The rest of the day was pretty chill.  D has taken chatterbox to a whole new level and drove us all insane.  Love that boy, but omgoodness, I needed ear plugs this weekend. 

(10/18) I had the best day today.  The boys and I went up to grab our teenager and take her with us to do pumpkins with the grands. JJ really wanted a big, blue pumpkin about as big as he is, and when I said no, he tried rolling it over to Granddad. Stinker! I later had to take the pumpkin tops ("stars") away from him, because he kept eating them.  LOL!   We carved over and Grandma & Granddad's, ate pizza (well, we ate pizza...JJ ate pumpkin), and toasted the seeds... which D was very upset that we forgot back at Granddad's.  It was fun to visit with the teenager; I've missed her!  

(10/19) Work day for Dad and me, and school for the kiddos.  We're really hoping for a normal, quiet week this week!  


  1. So glad you guys are staying in her life. I know that means the world to her. :)

    1. We love her. I'm so glad we get to be in her life!
