Thursday, June 30, 2016

Like Ducks to Water

D: This song really dooms me.  Only Cake By the Ocean.
(D is in love with that song... I ended up buying a clean workout version for him to listen to, lol)

D: You need to hold my hand because my tummy hurts.
Me: Aw, I'm sorry.  Why does your tummy hurt?
D: Because my hand is empty!

J: I want to go to Sarah's house!
Me: Her new one or her old one?
J: Her new one!
D: Her old one is just gonna be for me, J.

(6/21) Work day for Dad and me, school for C, Amanda had the littles, and the teenager is already enjoying summer break.  We've had to start locking our room door, because Moose comes barging in - the handle is right at Moose head level and he just comes in whenever he feels like it.  The down side to this, is that once you lock yourself out, you're out!

(6/22) Last day of school for C today.  After I ran him to school, the twinadoes and I went to the gym. We then went home and grabbed the teenager to pick up foodage for a picnic at the lake.  We took so long picking out lunch that we only had a little while to eat before we had to go pick up C from school.  We made a quick stop by home and got our swim stuff, floaties, and sand toys, and went back out to the lake for some fun!  We played there until it was time for dinner.  Dad took us out to Black Angus, which was delicious.  Poor C had an upset tummy tonight at dinner. Seems to be making the rounds through our fam.  The teen went back home tonight.  It was fun to have her!

(6/23) Work day for me, and the Dad had the boys.  He met me at the gym with the littles this evening, and then took C to hockey.  I promised the boys that they could have ice cream right before bed again if they stayed in bed, and it worked!  This time, anyway.

(6/24) Work day from home for me, and Dad had the boys.  The Cass-puppy and I walked our new coffee route and checked out our 'hood.  First time that I've really had a chance to get out and explore on foot. After dinner tonight, the boys and I walked over to see Sarah's new house.  It's beautiful!!  And I especially love that it's so close!

(6/25) Dad and C got up early today to go scout some campsites with friends, so the littles and I hit Zumba, and then I took them to the spray park.  We got home kind of late, but still managed to beat Dad & C.  C had a friend overnight, and they stayed up late playing video games.

(6/26) The boys and I worked in the yard this morning and found lots of worms and bugs.  I took them out for Slurpees, and then we hit the spray park. C was *not* impressed, but had a little bit of fun in there.  I lost track of D momentarily today.  He was lured away by the sound of the ice cream truck and managed to con a parent into buying him one.  Zomg child, you're gonna give your mother all the gray hair!

(6/27) Work day for Dad & me, and Amanda had the boys.  D told her first thing that he was tired and was going to take a nap after lunch.  He did, and then was still up at 10pm when I went in to open his window back up because it was a billion degrees, and he had picked out long sleeved jammies, in addition to wearing slippers.

(6/28) Work day for Dad and me.  We broke in the newly put together table and had dinner outside tonight.  It was so beautiful out!  I took the kiddos to the park afterwards, and ended up coming back shortly after we got there because D had to go potty.  Then after we went back, J needed to go.  I gave up and just put them to bed after that. Some days...

(6/29) The lady at the gym daycare asked if C was the twins' cousin because she didn't realize there were more of them.  Ha!  He's usually in school, so doesn't come with me on Weds mornings.  After Zumba, we ran up to Nanan's house and she watched the boys while I worked in the garage.  The boys had a blast- we couldn't find the pump to blow up the big pool, but Nanan had 2 plastic pools, and a toddler-sized slide.  Voila, instant water slide! The boys had a song war allllll the way up, and allllll the way back between Stressed Out and Cake By the Ocean.  C only likes the former, and D only likes the latter.  J idolizes C right now, so was with him on his song choice.

(6/30) Work day for me, and Dad has the boys today.  C has hockey later, so Dad will hand off the twins to me at the gym tonight.

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