Sunday, July 10, 2016

Jet Setting & Staycationing

D: This song makes me doomed!
J: You need to be doomed, D.

D: When you're dead, you don't need coffee, Mom!

Me: I can only take one guy down the water slide at a time.
J: How 'bout just me, Mom!

D: I didn't get enough fun! *sobs*
J: Life is hard, D.

Me: So what shall we do when it's just me, you, and D?
J: We need to get some fun! We just need to wait by the door, Mom.

C: Soooo, D?  How do you like your cake by the ocean?
(Which we were literally having)

J: This Gatorade is getting pumped up my nose! 
(Complaining about the bumpy terrain)

C: Gotta make sure I stay as healthy as possible! (see sandwich below)

Me: When we get to Teo's house. 
Me: When did I say we could have it? 
J: When we get home!

D: C just calls it the hotel house. I call it the colorful house!  
J: It's the telephone house!  

D: Is that the Snomotion?  
Me: Huh?  Oh, close, the Snohomish River.

(7/1) Work from home day for me, and Dad had the boys. They went to the park to visit with some friends that were in town, and had a good time. I was loosed from work early today, so I made the long commute downstairs. It's brutal, I tell you!

(7/2) We scouted a few campsites today, and checked out some sites along the Teanaway River. It was a loooong drive, but we found a pretty place to stop and have lunch!  

(7/3) Om nom nom, Dad made the first batch of Dutch Babies in the new house.  After he left for work, the boys and I headed up to Nanan's to do some work of a different flavor.  Well, I worked, while they played in the pools in the back yard.  We had some delicious cake for an early birthday for C, and then capped off a day of healthy eating with a stop at "the Donald's" on the way home.

(7/4) Happy Independence Day!  We did pop-its with Dad before he had to leave for work.  C was supremely disappointed last night that his dad was working today.  I asked him to look outside right around 8pm and see just how bright it still was out.  I said he wouldn't miss much, if anything.  We went over to some friends' house for dinner and we had the best time lighting off fireworks.  The littles did sparklers, and were so envious that C got to light stuff by himself.  Our neighborhood didn't finish blowing itself up until well past 1am.  Poor Moose is not a fan.

(7/5) Work day for Dad & me.  I went in an hour early, so I could retrieve the boys early today.  I hauled them all to the gym with me, and then we had dinner super late.  But I won the boys over with the promise of staying up late and having ice cream.  They were hard to convince.  Dad brought the trailer home today, and sure enough it was a tight fit in the garage, but we'll make it work.  

(7/6) Work day for Dad and me. With Dad working late, I am in charge of picking up the kiddos.  I couldn't get there early enough today, so Grandma grabbed them for cake decorating and hot tub fun!  I joined them for dinner and then got to enjoy their awesome cakes!

(7/7) We left early this morning to run Dad and C to the airport for an adventure.  Dad is camping with cousins in Minnesota and C is attending a hockey camp.  They are going to have a wonderful time!  Though, at the same time, I know it will be hard to be apart.  I took the littles to the museum to play in the airplane, and on our way home we stopped to check on the old place.  Got it all mowed, and some final stuff removed from the shed. 

(7/8) Happy Birthday to the C-monster!  He went to see the Secret Life of Pets, and then our MN cousins had a party for him. He has some pretty awesome cousins ~ check out that cake!!   The littles and I bummed around until the weather improved, and then went to the lake for a while.

(7/9) Dad and C went to Fort Snelling today, and C got to watch the blacksmith work, and then see a cannon demonstration.  The twins and I went to the gym, ran some errands, and hung around the house for the afternoon.  Sarah came to visit this evening, and D told her all about how we have stairs at our house, and who has what color of eyes, and the number of bathrooms here. Captain Non-Sequitur!  

(7/10) The twins slept past their alarm, and JJ pronounced D dead because he wouldn't wake up. LOL! I somehow managed to bork my back, so I gimped around this morning. I took the twins swimming at the Aquatics Center, and that was probably the best idea I've had in a long time. The twins are so different this year - they've gotten brave, and wanted to swim, and jump, instead of just wanting to hang in the toddler area. They really wanted me to take them down the water slide, but I doubt I could convince the life guards to let me take both boys down. C is all settled in at hockey camp.  He's rooming with 4 other boys. 2 from MN, one from CA, & one from CO. I hope he has the best time!

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