Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Reunited and It Feels so Good!

D: When I'm 8, I'm gonna be Colton.
J: C is gonna be 9!
Me: Yeah, that's right, C is 9 now.
J: Yeah, C's a creeper.
From Minecraft, but hahaha!

Me: You are full of bananas today.
D: If somebody is full of bananas in their tummy... 
J: Then they're nervous! 
D: I'm not nervous!

Me: You're pretty full of bananas.
D: I didn't even eat any bananas today!
Me: There's one right here, and right here, and right here...
D: That one is a pear! 

Me: What should we have for dinner tonight?
J: Ice cream!

D: I'm going to go play in the sand poodle!
(Large, sandy "puddles" of sand on the playground)

D: I just like mint, not mint ice cream.
Says the boy that inhaled his ice cream.... 

Me: Did you guys have fun at the zoo?
D: I liked the zoo, but I didn't have any fun.

Me: Uh oh, I think this milk is done. 
D: We just have a quarter tank left!

D: My hair is getting too big.
LOL, hardly!

D: We need more yogurt so I can have the licker!
(He likes to lick the lid)

Nanan: Use your quiet voice.
D: My quiet voice is just gone.  I only have a loud voice.

(7/11) Happy Slurpee Day!  I totally would have forgotten had someone not mentioned it at the park.  They had two flavors remaining by the time we got there: sour red, and something orange.  I mixed the boys', and got straight sour red for me.  Wheeeeewie!  I bought the boys sand for their sandbox this morning and pared down their toys so they can actually get in and play.  They had a blast!  And it kept them occupied while I weeded.

(7/12) I continued working on cleaning up our back yard while the littles played today.  We ran some coffee over to Sarah's mid-morningish, and she made us lunch.  We spent the rest of the afternoon outside playing in the sunshine.

(7/13) We woke up, and D immediately wanted to go play outside in the sandbox.  Goofy dude!  I let the kiddos play for a bit before rounding them up so we could head to the gym. Nanan came to see the boys this afternoon, and we sat out back to enjoy the sunshine.

(7/14) Sarah and I met at the gym, and it was so stuffy inside that we nixed that idea, and walked the kids to the park instead.  It was like herding cats to get them all there, and it took *forever*, but it was much more pleasant to be outside.  Once we got back, we met Dad's aunt and uncle that were in town visiting, and took them to one of our favorite sushi restaurants.  The boys were so good (well, for the twinadoes!), and it was lovely to sit and visit.  I think the last time I saw his aunt & uncle was when I was when I was pregnant with my now almost five-year-olds!  Meanwhile, in Minnesota, Dad went on a brewery tour.

(7/15) We had a blast today!  We started the morning at the gym, then packed a picnic lunch, and met the grands at the zoo.  The zoo was set to close early today, so I didn't know if we should bother.  I let the boys play at the playground until the grands arrived, and then we had had lunch.  We decided to do it anyway, and it turns out that two hours with two 5 year olds was about the perfect amount of time.  We capped off a fun afternoon with Slurpees, and then played until it was time to go to dinner at Aunt Shannon & Uncle Mike's house.  They have a beautiful new home, and it was so lovely to see it, and enjoy some time with them & the grandparents.

(7/16) We hit the gym this morning, and then bummed around the house for a few hours before packing up to head to the Aquatic Center for open swim.  I endeavored to install some straps on our water tank at the old house tonight, got frustrated, so took us all out for teriyaki instead.  In Minnesota, Dad picked up C from hockey camp.  They did a scrimmage for the parents, and got to skate onto the ice and have their names called out over the loud speaker.  So cool!

(7/17)  We had a quiet morning at home today.  The littles played while I had my coffee on the back deck, and threw the ball for our pupper.  We then met Granddad at the old Treehouse to install the straps that were giving me fits yesterday.  Granddad took us out for ice cream, since it was apparently National Ice Cream Day. So we had ice cream in place of lunch today.  Cuz quality parenting up in here!  After "lunch" we ran some errands and then got the little pool out to play out back.  Sarah called and said they caught a bunch of crab, and asked if we could come help eat it. We wandered over there for dinner, and the kids were so distracted by the campfire that we didn't make much of a dent in the crab... but it sure was delicious!  Thanks again for the invite!  C & Dad got to check out the Mall of America today.  Looks like EVERYTHING IS AWESOME!

(7/18) Last day home with the littles.  It was yucky out, so we stayed in and watched LeapFrog for most of the day after we got home from the gym. D got all excited that it was sunny out during a brief respite from the rain, and ran outside to play.  Goofy boy.  I promised them ice cream tonight, so we hit McD's on the way out for sundaes.  The first restaurant's ice cream machine was broken, so we went to the next one, where D complained his ice cream wasn't mint flavored.  And then he said he didn't feel well. And then we pulled over halfway to the airport because he wasn't lying, and had revisited his sundae.  Poor, poor monkey.  I picked up Dad and C, and we drove home with the windows open.  So glad to have them back... but what a welcome.

(7/19) Oof.  Coming in to work at 6am after a whole bunch of days off was rough.  Boys are with Amanda, and Dad is also working today.

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