Friday, July 29, 2016

What's Cookin?

Me: Do you want a cookie or s'mores?
(Meltdown city after a long, fun day)

D: We have the gra-nilla and peanut butter kind! (of ice cream)

J: Just three sleeps until we can call C!
Me: Uhm, C is right there across the table from you.  You can talk to him now.

Me: Moose, shoosh!
D: Moooose... Moooose... I have two ears, and I can hear you.
LOL ~ something I say to Deedles when he repeats himself.  

D: I won't blow up any more.
Poor Deedles, after he got sick. 

J: I just don't want to get my eyeballs wet!

(7/20) We hit the gym this morning, and then came home to do some work around the house.  C asked if I'd take them to the lake this afternoon.  We got there and I realized I'd completely forgotten to text and see if Sarah and her boys could come too.  As I was spreading our towels, Sarah hollered, "Hey!  Come over here!"   Happy coincidence!

(7/21) Busy day!  Dad sanded and painted the back deck while I was at work.  Then he went up to grab the new bbq that Nanan ordered us, and picked up the teenager.  Dad even tried the iced coffee from his bday gift to me, and exclaimed that he didn't throw up.  LOL!  He's been allergic to coffee, and hasn't had it in over 20 years, so is trying it again. Though I'm not sure about this sharing my coffee business.  We grabbed the teen so we could go out tonight.  We had a great time, but definitely cannot party like we used to, and came home at a reasonable hour.

(7/22) Work from home day for me.  It poured today, so all the kids were cooped up inside.  Dad was off at work.  I dragged us all out after dinner to let the twinsies run, but that was the extent of our venturing out today.

(7/23) Fun day today!  I took the boys to the aquatics center, and the teenager stayed home to bake C's cake for his party tonight.  Isn't it awesome?!  C requested a video game party, so we got pizzas and turned the video games on at 5p when his friends arrived.  Dad worked late tonight, so while the boys played video games, I hid in the living room with a book, and the teenager hid upstairs.

(7/24) After all the boys went home, I made all the screens go off, and took us to the lake for lunch.  It was HOT, so I picked up popsicles for the errand-running that followed. We stopped briefly at home, and C zonked out.  The boys were up around 6a, but were quiet til 8, when the twinadoes got up. They were up late last night too. Grandma invited us over tonight to celebrate Uncle Jake's and my birthdays coming up here soon.  We had Alaska-caught salmon (from Granddad), and Grandma made us her famous mousse.  Delish!

(7/25) Lucky boys got to go to Lighthouse Beach today while Dad and I were at work.  C was a big old grumpus this morning because he changed the lock on his phone, and also the password to his email, so got locked out for 72 hours.  I think the outing distracted him though, and he was in a much better mood this evening.

(7/26) Work day for Dad and me, and Amanda had the kiddos.  Both boys were D-sasters today.  D was particularly drama-filled, and hobbled around over some scraped knees.  Band-aids to the rescue!

(7/27) We hit the gym this morning, and then came home for screen time and snacks. Dad worked today (the 6th 10-hour shift in a row...blarg).  I agreed to watch a friend's kiddos for a few hours.  I got my baby fix, and sent her kiddos home filthy after playing in the sand, having popsicles, and riding bikes, cuz that's how I roll.  We didn't make it out to the lake as we planned, but it was a beautiful evening to sit out on the deck.  Dad put together our new grill last night, and seasoned it tonight.  He also put together our new fire pit.  I am digging our back yard!

(7/28) Work day for me, but Dad took the boys up to scout campsites around Beckler River.  They had a picnic lunch, and when they returned they headed to the butcher to pick up a feast for tonight.  We had some friends over and christened both the fire pit and the grill.  We even capped it off with s'mores!  C helped cook, and made up a very yummy fruit salad.  He also was very interested in the grill, so I'll have him show me how to use it when it's my turn to cook.

(7/29) Today is the 15th anniversary of the 5th anniversary of our first "not date."  Got all that?  20 years together has gone by fast!  I love our life!  Anywhoozle, today is a work from home day for me, and Dad has the boys.  Both D and C woke up with iffy stomachs today, and I'm hoping we're in okay shape to head to Aunt Shannon's pre-wedding party later.

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