Monday, February 18, 2013

February 12th-18th

(2/12) Work day for Dad & me.  The twins went to Kathy's house.  J was yelling "BOO" all the way home tonight, and even ducks around the corner now to play peekaboo. The twins have had a growth spurt and can now pull things off the counter, that were out of reach just yesterday, I swear. Time for more baby-proofing!

J says, "Put chips here."
Mmm, chips & Cheerios.
(2/13) Oy.  What a day.  C and I are sure butting heads lately, and he pushed every button he could find.  Nanan unfortunately had car trouble today and couldn't make it to watch the twins in time for me to volunteer in his class--which was probably a good thing. I let him know, and he just lost it. I dropped him at school and warned his teacher that we were having a challenging day and took the twins home to "nap."  I took two very sleepy boys up to their cribs and D decided to talk through his nap instead.  J slept, but I knew the second I went in to get D, he would wake, and he did.  So I had crabby little boys, a tantrumming big boy, and a mama with zero patience.  I was counting down the minutes to bedtime today.

(2/14) Happy Valentine's Day!  I suspect yesterday's drama was related to today's sugar-filled holiday.  I got the kids stuffed hearts that giggle when you press them, and cups that have cupcakes and hearts floating in them. No sugar, and cups that fit their hands perfectly.  Dad had a much better day with C than I did yesterday.  Whew!  I picked up dinner for us all (yakisoba) and the twins wore much of it (of course).  D is looking flush tonight. I sure hoped he would skate through this illness unscathed. Sigh.

Mmm, chipage.
D is not excited about salsa.
(2/15) Poor D had a 103.2° fever last night.  Dangit!  I was set to take a half day at work, and my work decided to close early anyway.  Dad took C to school and then met me with the sacked out littles.  I drove them home and gave them a second lunch, since they were wide awake.  I kept D medicated throughout the day and kept his temp around 100° or below.  I put them down for a second nap after we picked up C, and I even managed to catnap too.   C and I were supposed to have a hockey date this evening, but due to D's illness, Granddad could not watch the twins.   Our awesome friends picked C up and took him to the game instead, so that I could stay home with the twins.  The boys had a great time stealing the cups from each other.  C got one last year, so I had a total of four to split between them.  D is feeling much better tonight; thank goodness!

Going for salsa...
Not allowed to eat a handful of salsa
(2/16) D's fever was down to 99° this morning, so I felt safe in heading out for a run. Nanan came to watch the boys so Dad could go to work.  I came home while the little guys were napping and even managed to get in a shower before they woke.  C was a bear tonight, and the littles were clingy... so it wasn't a relaxing evening, until bedtime anyway.

Lap is getting crowded...
(2/17) Yay, no fever for D today!  Kiddos woke at 7am and I stalled for a half hour before dragging my butt out of bed.  I got the kids up and breakfasted and then met Nanan for a meal out and a movie - with NO kids!  It was lovely.  Came home about the time the boys were getting up from their nap and the hockey crew came over. They brought snackage and beer.  The little boys tried out some chips and salsa.  J really liked the salsa. D, not so much.

(2/18) I'm home today with the crew for President's Day.  We're planning a lunch date out and not a whole lot else.  I'm hopeful that we're done with illness for a little while, and that everybody back at the office has recovered so we can stop passing it to each other!

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