Monday, August 19, 2013

August 13th-19th

(8/13) I'm on vacation this week and we plan to do a whole lot of nothing.  We kicked today off with a trip to the park where C was finally convinced to give up the training wheels.  WAHOO!  There was a little girl there that bossed Jor & C around (read: gave them tips on how to ride).  But it made them both brave enough to give it a go.  This afternoon, C got out the crazy hose (squirts many directions) and the littles played in the pool and sampled some sand out back. 

(8/14)  Ventured to Flowing Lake with Sarah & co today.  The boys had a blast!  They immediately sat down for snack and decided what Sarah brought was better than what I did.  Then we tromped around the big toy while the big boys played volleyball.  Once Sarah's friend arrived and deemed it lunchtime, it was decided that it was again time to eat. And again with the sharing of foods we both brought.  The hummus was a big hit, and the littles kept trying to grab their own handfuls.  Yummay.  After lunch, it was time to swim.  J threw lots of rocks and D, of course, went right into the water.  They played until exhaustion and then D headed for the towels yelling "BAAAYYYEEE" and waving. He fell onto the towels saying "NIGH-NIGH, NIGH-NIGH, NIGH-NIGH!"  They were so very done, and took epic naps when we got home. Jor came to spend the night this evening and everyone crashed hard after a fun day.

(8/15)  All was quiet when I returned from spin class this morning, and I made the boys waffles for breakfast and then let everyone play. C had a dentist appointment during the littles' nap, so we headed out to take care of that while Dad stayed behind.  I tried to keep the little guys up this evening so they could see Grandma & Granddad when they came to stay with the kids so we could go out to the comedy club.  D was a D-saster, complete with falling on the blanket, dramatically yelling "NIGH-NIGH!"  They made it, but didn't last very long after we left. 

(8/16) C was tiiiired after being up a late the previous few nights, so I let him sleep and got up with the littles.  We had a nice breakfast together and a low-key morning.  Dad headed out for work, and I let the boys watch some TV so I could read my book.  I'm totally on-board with bribery. Bridger came over this afternoon to play, and despite all the arguing, I think the big boys had fun?  We played outside in the pool/sand box/sprinkler until dinner and then came in to play some more inside.

(8/17)  After Bridger was picked up, we packed up and went over to invade Sarah's house since it looked pretty gray outside and she bribed us with muffins. (See what I said about bribery?) We stayed through lunchtime and then headed home for nap.  C stayed behind to play with Jordan and I promised to return after nap to come collect him.  The littles were MAD when I didn't let them out of the car when we went to fetch C and hollered most of the way home. Yay for opinions!

(8/18) Dad made us a fancy breakfast, and then left for a fantasy football draft.  The kiddos and I decided to hang out at home for the morning.  I got out the weights, and C showed us all up by claiming the 10-lbers.  And the little boys kept running away with the others.  D was a crack-up, and really got in to the stretches and lifts.  After lunch and a nap, we headed out to run a few errands, and then once Dad returned, I left to go have dinner with my brothers and sister.  We had a great night!

(8/19) Back to work for me today, and the boys are with their dad.

Lots and lots of new words this week!
- ON ON ON!  (while turning on the fan, including plugging it in.  /Sigh)
- BAAAYYYEEEE!  (while running away)
- UP UP UP! (while climbing)
- Stinky (during diaper changes)
- Ewie - (when picking up something icky)
- LIGHT! (and accompanying tantrum when I don't turn the smoke alarm on)

Pretty sure I've heard "love you" and "Nay-nee" (what Jamie, Sarah's boy, calls himself) and even ME (used correctly!).

They are also climbing on top of their kitchen to get to the board game shelf, which is already 4' off the ground and can't get much higher.  D keeps climbing onto the couch, standing up and grabbing the remotes off the top of the china hutch.  Another high place that can't get any higher!

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