Monday, August 12, 2013

Twenty-two Months

(8/6) Work day for Mom & Dad, and the kids went to Kathy's.  C had a hard day and was complaining of head, back, and leg pain tonight.  I wonder if he's growing.  The littles were in good spirits though, and were full of raspberries and silliness throughout the evening.  They have been staying awake well past 9p (two hours after I put them down), cackling and blowing raspberries and talking about the light.  D says, "Light?" and expects it to turn on.  He also does this with the smoke detector and gets really mad when I don't beep it.  Goofy guy!

(8/7)  Today, I slept in, and boy did I need it.  I made a huge breakfast for the crew, but C didn't eat much, and Dad had already brushed his teeth, so he passed... I ended up freezing the rest of it and then getting ready for the day.  We went to the library and then to the park. C just wanted to sit in the shade and read his book, which was odd since it was only 73°. After we got home, he said he really was sick, and then proceeded to get sick all over the floor.  Sigh.  He took a nap when the littles did, and said he was feeling a bit better in the afternoon.  I let him watch some television while we went outside to play in the pool once the littles got up.  Came in and made dinner, but again he didn't eat much. The littles, on the other hand, were little piggies today.  The boys consumed half a big watermelon, 1 nectarine, 3 plums, and a peach.  And that was just the fruit they ate today.  D grabbed a peach after dinner tonight, took a bite and was about to put it back when I grabbed it.  I cut off of the spot he took a bite out of and proceeded to eat it when I saw him reaching for another piece.  He grabbed a plum and ran around the corner where I caught not just him, but his brother, with his own two plums chowing down. LOL!  We're so screwed when they can open the fridge.

(8/8) Work day for Mom & the boys were with Dad.  I checked C's temp before I left, and he was running a fever, so I gave him some ibuprofen and headed out to work.  Dad said C didn't have a fever all day and he was looking and feeling much better when I got home.  The big boys went back-to-school shopping after I got home and I got to hang with the littles before they went to bed.  Such happy little people.

(8/9) Work day for Dad & me, and Kathy had the kids this afternoon.  She said it was a MUCH better day.  Whew!  I got the boys home, and as I usually do, let them walk from the car up the stairs.  J tried to make a break for the back yard, and was mad that I intercepted him.  Then he tried to go down the stairs and out to the back yard, where I again stopped him.  Both boys laid on the floor screaming when I fastened the gate on the main floor after dragging them both upstairs.  J kept it up for over a half hour, while I cooked dinner, cut up strawberries, and even covered them with whip cream to try to entice him to come over.  No dice.  Little man kept it up until D was ready to go for J's strawberries and then he finally got in his chair.  I put them to bed shortly after dinner because they were both hot messes.  

(8/10) Dad was in Uncle Spanky's wedding today (a long-time friend), and so we got fancied up to attend.  Nanan came to watch the boys, but needed to leave early so we ended up calling to see if Granddad and Grandma could take over for the evening.  They came, but we decided against going to the after party since it would put us out really late.  But since we had babysitting, we returned Dad's tux and went out to dinner all by ourselves.  Came home, put the boys to bed and watched a movie.  Great date night. Poor C had a return of whatever he had earlier this week and was feeling pretty poorly again today. He took a nap and turned in pretty early.  Hope he feels better soon.

(8/11) Today we slept in and got a slow start to the day.  After breakfast I got the rare opportunity to shop all by myself for my brother's baby shower this afternoon (I have a new nephew due on the boys' birthday).  I rode up with Granddad, Grandma, and Aunt Shannon and had a wonderful time! There were 11 week old twins there today.  I can't even remember the boys being that small.  Awww!

Dad got to hang with the kiddos at home while I was at the shower, and it sounds like they had a good night.  C was feeling much better today, as evidenced by his appetite returning. Yay?

The monkeys are twenty-two months today.  Time can slow down any time now.  The language is coming fast and furious now, and it is amazing what they understand.  They can follow simple instructions and are becoming quite independent (like the walking from the car thing - they just do it, climb the stairs, and go inside). Really neat to witness.

(8/12) One day work week for me this week.  Woot-woot!  I will be off with the kids for the rest of the week after today. 

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