Monday, June 22, 2015

Hot Potato

D: Mama? Whatcha doing?
Me: Cooking.  What are you doing?
D: Uhm.  Potato.

D: Moose is hitting me! Hit me, Moose!  Hit me!
(with his tail)

Me: Do you guys want to go ride the horses?
D: No, we want to ride the Moose!

Jordan: Can we be done now?
Sarah: We're almost there.  I don't know how you'd get back to the car if we stopped here though.
Jordan: I'd activate my transpotato!

Me: I'm making Monkey Bread for the monkeys!

Me: Are ya warm now, D?
D: It's too hot and nice!

(6/16) Day off for Dad and me.  Granddad & Grandma came over and we worked, and worked, and worked on the chipping up the big piles of ivy we cut up last week. I am so grateful for their help - they're always willing to do fun & exciting things like that.  Love them!   Dad took C fish shopping after school and restocked our big tank.  C got a little beta tank to replace the bowl he had.  His new tank has a light that he can read by at night.  With some creative rigging, I *think* it's safe from the twins now?

(6/17) Last day of school for the bigs! I did the responsible adult thing this morning and paid bills while the littles played and got into I took them to the gym to be someone else's problem for a bit before we grabbed C and came home. We had a picnic lunch and then to celebrate the end of the school year and the anniversary of the teenager coming to live with us, we went to the buffet.

New THIRD grader!
(6/18) Work day for Dad, and play day for the rest of us.  Sarah and I took all five boys to Green Lake today. We made it all the way around and didn't lose or kill any of them. Yay us!  I put the littles down late and they took forever to fall asleep, but when they did, they slept hard and for too long.

(6/19)  I made my early birdies breakfast and then hauled them to the gym.  We went for coffee after class, and then to Sarah's house to enjoy while the kids played.  Sarah kept C during the twins' "nap," which I gave up on after an hour and sent the littles out to the yard to play.   The teenager asked to go to a friend's house this evening, so Dad ran her over and then hit the gym, while I played the "GET BACK IN BED" game with the twins, because they had now caught their second and third winds, and their little over-tired selves refused to settle.

(6/20) We hit the gym this morning, mostly because the boys were on a royal tear and I couldn't take it anymore. Afterward, we stopped to get more mulch for the flower beds out front.  I spread it during "nap time," and just hoped the littles would stay put.  C was inside while I worked and reported that they were banging on the door and running around... so yeah, they "napped."  We met up with Granddad and Grandma for an early Father's Day dinner this afternoon.  We went to the buffet again, which has a great assortment of sushi and other good eats.  Love that place!  I took the boys to the park to burn off some of the sugar they inhaled, and then came home to put them in bed.

(6/21) Happy Father's Day! We took the boys down to Emerald Downs to watch the horse races today.  C and J had opportunities to pet the escort ponies, but J got scared and backed away before he had a chance.  Then, of course, he wanted to try again, but the horse had already gone on.  We had a really nice time, and Dad won back his parking money. We came back home for a nice dinner and Slurpees to cap off a warm day.  The teenager reappeared this evening and got started packing.  She'll be leaving to move in with her grandma soon.  Sigh... It's going to be so different.

(6/22) Back to work me with today, and Dad has the kiddos. It was a good week, but I'm definitely ready to be back to routine.

Emerald Downs!
J says his bed is full of "stinkies"

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