Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Movin' and Shakin'

D: I want tomato on my sandwich (PBJ). I don't like tomatoes. Tomatoes are too spicy and yummy.

D: I want peanut butter, jam, and toast, and jelly!

D: I want fuzzy pants!
Me: It's too hot out for pants.  Let's try shorts.
D: Because they're too hot and nice and cold!

D: Where's S?
Me: She went to live with her grandma.
D: And Granddad is out shopping!
Wrong grandma, but sure.

C: And definitely no poops on the couch because it would be camouflaged.
(little potty training humor!)

(6/23) Work day for me and Dad had the kiddos. Dad took the boys out to look at houses today.  They were crazy excited.  A whole new place to destroy!

(6/24) Work day for Dad, and I had the kids.  I ran C's bike (Goodwill find) out to the bike store to get the tires looked at, and when we got home, we discovered the rear brakes were broken.  He just used his little bike to buzz around the neighborhood, but then happened to mention that his 'new' bike was broken to a neighborhood dad, and this dad fixed his bike right up.  Happy day!  I had all the kiddos out riding their bikes on the side street and then we played in the sprinkler (or water bucket) to cool off.

(6/25) Work day for Dad & me, and Sarah had the kiddos.  I had to get the boys up super early today, and poor D was a sobbing, blabbering mess.  We had Sarah keep the littles' naps short so they would hopefully go to sleep relatively quickly... HA.  I got my office all packed up today, and will come back to a brand new cube in another part of the building next week.

(6/26) I took today off, and got to enjoy the day with the kiddos.  I took the boys to Zumba and then we went to the tie-dye party supporting the preschool they will attend/have attended.  The boys played and played, and were predictably exhausted.  J fell asleep on a five minute car ride when I went to take the teenager to a friend's house after all that.  Dad took the bigs out to a movie tonight (Inside Out) and I stayed home with the littles while they played the get-out-of-bed game a bazillion times. This phase is getting so old!

(6/27) I took the boys to Zumba this morning, but really didn't need to bother since I would be doing plenty of stairs this afternoon loading up the teenager's stuff for her big move.  After a year with us, she is leaving us to go live with her grandmother.  We hope to still see her often and will miss her like crazy!  This move is very bittersweet - we're thrilled for her, but at the same time... sniff, sniff.   After Zumba and a few "popcorn" (hardware) store runs, we went home to give the teenager more boxes, and I got cleaned up to go to book club.  It was a very small book club, but it was the perfect afternoon to sit outside, drink mimosas, and not discuss the book.  Once I got back, I packed the van full of the teenager's stuff.  After we had said our goodbyes, I then hauled all of C's things into her old room and broke down his bunk bed in the twins' room, while Dad drove the teenager to her new home. Busy, busy day.

(6/28) Today we met with a realtor to view a home and then have her take a peek at ours and see what we were up against in terms of prepping ours for sale. Since I'm in moving mode, I knocked out most of the boys' bedrooms and got the bulk of the upstairs ready.  Dad made multiple runs to the dump and Value Village and we made a big dent. I feel pretty optimistic that we can get ours done before the week is out.

(6/29) More cleaning, sorting, and sweating today.  It's too dang hot!  Shew!  I had vacation planned for today, which was super convenient since my office moved suites and the actual move took place today and we didn't have to be there for it.  We met up with Oma & Opa this afternoon and Opa brought his famous cookies along with stuff we forgot the last time we visited.  The littles spied the cookies and asked for one about every five seconds.  And then wanted seconds.  Since we were in the area earlier, Dad & I stopped at Spuds sans kiddos.  Shh, don't tell!  We looked at another property this evening that we like even better than the one we viewed yesterday.  I'm starting to get excited about moving!

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