Monday, June 8, 2015

The Early Bird Gets the Worm

D: We didn't get a pink smoothie.
Dad had a Slurpee yesterday and didn't share. D threw him under the bus.

D: We need to go to hockey, in the stroller, and have a fruit cup.
Cuz that's how you do hockey practice.

J: Mama? I need coffee.
Oh heck to the no!

D: Colton! Mouth closed!
Me: He is.  Are you chewing with your mouth closed too?
D: Yeah, I'm doing it three!

D: I need to eat the worm!
J: No!  It's my turn! *shove*

Sarah: D? Are you hot?
D: No, I am windy!

D: It's too windy for the hair!
Sarah: You have no hair!

(6/2) Work day for me, and Dad had the kids. The teen is working on a song for the talent show, so stayed after school for that.  She admitted she will miss school once it's over and that she doesn't hate it all.  ← There, it's in writing.  Can't deny it now!

(6/3) National Running Day. I'm glad it was misty and blah outside, so I didn't feel bad trekking to the gym and reading my book while I got in my miles.  I made the littles lunch after we got done and then I put them down for a nap.  I didn't have to be anywhere, so I fell asleep too. Nanan popped in to say hi and woke me up, and we visited and laughed at the shenanigans happening in the place of napping upstairs.  The boys never did nap, and I gave up and got them up when it was time to get C from school.  I told Dad they had earned themselves and early bedtime, and they were *out* when I got back from taking the teen to her appointment.  'Course then a certain older brother decided to talk to them a few hours later, and they bounced up thinking they had had a nap, and didn't go back to sleep until almost 10p.

(6/4) Work day for Dad & me, and Sarah had the monsters.  I went in late today so that I could drop C at school.  It was nice to sleep in, even if what follows is a chaotic dash to get all the kids out the door on-time, dressed, and fed. Dad picked up the kids after work and I went straight to the gym and got to Zumba all by myself, so my zen didn't wear off this time until after I got home!

(6/5) Work day for Dad & me, and Sarah had the kiddos. The bigs had an early release from school today, and C started hockey camp tonight. Some friends from hockey generously ferried him down and back. C wore a hockey jersey to school today, because it was Hawaiian shirt day, obviously.  Methinks somebody is a little bit excited about camp.  The teenager and I went to go see her school's play, Guys and Dolls. I was impressed ~ bravo, great performance!  We even beat C back.  The camp videoed his skating and then went over the vids with the kiddos to help them strengthen their skills.

(6/6) C got picked up for hockey camp bright and early today.  The littles and I bummed around for a bit, then loaded up to go to the gym.  I made the mistake of buying Goldfish for after the gym on the way, and D was a D-saster when we got there, sobbing about his crackers.  After my class, I picked him up, and then he didn't want to go to swim because he wanted to take his crackers home to eat at the Treehouse (our house).  I took the boys to swim anyway, and he was just all out of sorts. They got to wear life jackets today, which made J pretty brave.  D clung to the instructor and fake cried through most of the lesson.  Poor bubba.  They're so off their schedule right now.  After swim, we ran home to meet C, have lunch, and play more outside before nap.  They slept until after Dad got off from work, and I had a chance to run out and grab dinner and bring it back before getting them up.

(6/7) C had hockey camp first thing this morning, and the teen had to leave for her visit. The littles asked to play Playdoh and I thought that would keep them occupied for five minutes while I was seeing the teen off, but I came back to D saying that he had put salt in the pepper. Because that's just what we always needed. Hmph. After we got all the groceries put away, and the Playdoh cleaned up, I took the littles out to play in the back yard while we waited for C to come home.  We stayed out until they were crowing for food.  I brought them in for lunch and ran around and did some other things while they ate.  After C came home, our plan was to load up, and take the dogs to the park. I looked over and D is flat out on the floor, almost asleep.  We bagged our plans and I put the boys down for a nap instead.  The bigs spent the rest of the day with their friends, and I made a very small dent in my book for book club.

(6/8) Monday, Monday... la la, la la la.  Work for me, school for the bigs, and Dad has the kids.  One more Monday left for the kids and it's break time!  Yay, we survived!

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